[Reported] Pvp league promotion

Played a match, got in relegation zone end of the week…

This week: still in diamond…

:sob: :sob: :sob:

I checked the logs and you were rank 15 in your League. The relegation zone is rank 24.
If you are actively trying to drop out of Diamond, could you please get a screenshot at the end of the week of your rank and share it with us if you don’t end up where you expected again?

It will help us determine if the League board isn’t being displayed correctly again.
On the server side your score and rank are correct, so this could indicate a display issue.


I finished 3rd in my Diamond league but got the 1st place reward in email.

(MAISIE_SKWE, and I didn’t grab a screenshot before reset; will try to remember to next time.)

I’ve repeatedly failed to get demoted from diamond league despite being 27-30 in my bracket. I usually do the bare minimum 6500; since most people collect the 1000 bonus vp, it’s easy to land in the demotion zone.

I suspect that it’s the same bug that keeps giving people top-of-bracket rewards; it credits you for your top position in all asynchronous brackets you appear in. I guess the pros from this bug outweigh the cons, but it would be nice to escape diamond league someday.


I don’t get the logic for escaping diamond league. If you are aiming for top 3, then you will be back in diamond league next time. If you are just collecting 6500, then would it matter where you are?


It’s probably best not to discuss game strategy in bug report threads. Some people would like to get demoted, that’s all. It’s demoralizing to see huge scores in your group every week.

INTERESTING. There is no way you could have placed anywhere but 1st in your bracket with the scores I’m looking at.

I also checked to see if anyone in your league was banned for cheating as that would cause their scores to be wiped but no one was banned.

Do you remember who was listed as 1st or 2nd?
Wondering if this info might help the team.

I’ll also go revive the bug report so we can check if maybe there’s a regression issue with the fix.


I wish I could; new week starts, old week immediately slips out of memory. They were far enough ahead that I couldn’t catch them is all I remember.

I’ll try aiming for 3rd again this week + taking a screenshot just before reset.


Oh it’s so sad to hear that you got first place rewards instead of third. Hopefully they take those extra 20 gold marks away from you since that’s not what you wanted… :roll_eyes:


I didn’t play pvp at all for two weeks. I expected to be relagated since zero VP for those two weeks. Still in diamond league. How is this possible? @Kafka

The 7.3 update patch notes state that you won’t be demoted if you don’t play PVP at all during a given week, so you’d need to play just one PVP fight and try to earn as little VP as possible. Still no guarantee that you’ll get demoted doing that, but unfortunately it’s all you can do.


I also got 1st place rewards last week. I was 2nd when i stopped playing. With around 50k vp. Tops had 74k

I mean…im not complaining but definitely odd. Then theres the whole “you arent really fighting your bracket” thing. @WWDiver for example was in my bracket last week. But i wasnt in his on his side


I got just about 8k vp last week, ranked about 7th or so in my bubble. The top three had tens of thousands points. Yet I got reward mail this Monday claiming I finished 2nd.
Happy to receive gold marks, of course, but those aren’t deserved.

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You got 2nd in someone else’s ladder, so imo you do deserve it. You will realize this more when you have someone in your ladder that is on global leaderboard with 100k and you spend all week trying to reach him only to fall short, but you will still get rewarded first because how high your score is overall. IMO, not a bug, but a way to keep people trying to score more even if they have no chance of catching #1.


This is confusing. So my ladder means nothing?

In a certain sense, yes. lol. See it as a personal goal to reach that you can actually see. Where you place in other ladders is up to the gods.

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Thats kinda dumb? How do i know if i got top 3?

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When you get your rewards after weekly reset.


Yeah, no, that’s absurd. What we see should be what we get.

Otherwise, as Sylwani says: what even is the point of the ladder’s leaderboard? Those are the people I’m competing against; those are the goals I’m trying to reach – hey, if I play just a few more battles maybe I can steal third place!

That’s what I should be rewarded for: my placement in the league I’m in. Not for placing first in a meta league-of-leagues that I have no visibility of and no idea if I’m doing well or badly in.


Yeah for example this is a fairly easy bracket so far. But i have a feeling were it to end today id not even get top 3. Your bracket should be your bracket