[Reported] Ossifer team in Ancient Khet not saving

Platform, device version and operating system:
Steam / Win 11

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I expect all pvp attack teams to save for each area once they are set for the current weekly restrictions.

When using the immortal Ossifer in Ancient Khet during pvp, the player’s attack team does not save between sessions.

As shown in the screen capture above, the issue does not affect all pvp areas or all troops. There may be more troops affected, but that is for someone on the payroll to find out. :wink:

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
It happens every time the game is restarted. Also reports of happening after tribute collection. Although I can’t confirm that. Started with the new pvp season.

Steps to make it happen again
Set Ossifer on your Ancient Khet pvp attack team. Restart gems of war.

Additional info: I quickly tried a team in Ancient Khet without Ossifer and that team DID save when I restarted the game. In addition, I put Ossifer on a team in a different area (not Ancient Khet) and that team also saved correctly. So (at least at first glance) this problem seems to only happen with the combo of Ossifer and Ancient Khet.

Edit: Apparently this is hitting multiple immortal troops now. Maraji Expanse/Monster/Immortal Caprichor… Broken Lands/Construct/Immortal Sagittarian.


And this needs to be clarified!!!
Since our attack team is also our defense team, your answer @Bramble doesn’t compute!!
Only after weekly reset, the attack teams are reset/cleared/gone - unless the same requirement in an area is the same as the week before, then the attack team is saved.

After update 8.0 and when using an Immortal troop, our attack team is reset/cleared/gone, after exciting PvP or the game. So what about our defense team? Random troops again?
IF that isn’t a bug, then you changed it on purpose and somehow completely forgot to tell us.


This team also got wiped out after a game restart though featuring a different immortal and another location.

Location requirement is “Monster” and Caprichor is of Wildfolk type.
Ancient Khet requirement is “Dragon” and Ossifer is of Undead type.

And another team that gets wiped out:

Broken land requirement is Construct and Sagittarian is of Centaur type.


Well, here you go - the community finds the crux of the problem because the community doesn’t outright dismiss it as [Not a Bug].

I’d say - with zero programmer knowledge - problem lies within the code that checks if the team complies with weekly restrictions. It was not updated to include situation that respective region’s Immortal is always an eligible troop regardless of restrictions. The check - each time it is run - simply finds a troop of the wrong type for current restriction and wipes the slate clean.


Thanks for making this post. Definitely a problem in the code that removes invalid teams at end of week. Either a bug they haven’t fixed or they forgot to update it with new information when they added immortals.
They need to update the code to ignore immortals, rather than removing those that are in their home region and don’t fit the region’s requirements.

Can you share a screenshot of what the region requirements are, in the regions where this happens, please? To confirm that the troop is being highlighted as not meeting those requirements.

Also, is there any immortal on any platform which DOES fit it’s home region? We can test that immortal and collect screenshots to prove that that region isn’t wiping teams with the valid immortal. That might help convince them that’s where the bug is.


The new girl

And her teams are saved just fine.


Perfect. I forgot her.
Yep, I’m seeing her on PvP defense teams, so she isn’t getting wiped.
One immortal works, while she fits her region requirements. Others don’t work, while NOT meeting their region requirements. Seems like we have conclusive evidence where the bug is.

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I’m guessing this is what was causing this bug, as well. If players put an immortal on their team, and the game auto-wiped the team, it left them with no defence team. So, when another player attacked, the game crashed.
Knowing this bug existed, they rushed out a band-aid fix, by replacing one troop with another. But, they didn’t look closer and find the bug in the team auto-wipe code, since it’s still happening. I figured at the time that this needed more attention.
Weird that they can swap to diamantina, who also doesn’t meet some region requirements, so they must have code in the auto-wipe code, which ignores that troop. Why not make it ignore immortals, too?

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She’s fey and her home region has a fey restriction. That’s why the team saves.

So players figured out the reason, now it just has to be acknowledged instead of dismissed again, and then fixed.


This should be more than enough to investigate the issue and find the error in the code. Devs, if this is still “working as intended” then please elaborate and explain us why we need to set our offense teams every time we restart the game. As it is BLOODY ANNOYING


Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the screencaptures.

I’ve escalated this issue to the development team :slight_smile:


Yes! This has happened to me twice now in Maraji Expanse! I’ll create a team build using the new Immortal, play for a bit, then stop for like 10 or 15 minutes to do some “adulting” (dishes, laundry, exc…), come back to play some more and my team build is gone and I have to rebuild it! SUPER annoying…!

PlayStation platform. (PS4)


Meh. I’m tired and am not doing more screen shots right now. haha :rofl: But all evidence so far DOES seem to point to region restrictions being the problem.

I had tested some immortals outside their “area.” But that meant they had to fit the restriction. Because…

It definitely appears that the problem code is in whatever allows immortals to bi-pass restrictions in their “home” region. This is made concrete by the immortal whose home region happens to have a restriction that fits. (team does not get erased.)

Meanwhile… to nobody in particular… how does this stuff get through testing? Even automated testing should catch something like this.


I can confirm this happening with all immortals who bypass a restriction (that I currently own)


Thanks for picking this one up Bramble! :slight_smile:

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I’m all for getting this fixed but it seems like “working as intended” - if an Immortal doesn’t meet a region’s restriction even tho we can use them on offense as soon as it’s checked for defense by another player it deletes the team. Like I said hope it’s fixed but not holding my breath.

The official announcement stated that immortals would always be eligible for their home region, even when they don’t meet the restrictions. While the devs’ communication is terrible and it’s possible they were lying or providing inaccurate information, they made it clear that the immortal would be eligible. So, there should be no reason it’s being flagged as ineligible for that region. If we can use it for offense, and that’s deliberate, then our offense teams shouldn’t be getting wiped. And if it’s valid for offense, it should be valid for defense, rather than leaving players with no defense team or a defense team that bugs out.
Hopefully it does get fixed.


iOS iPad

Playing in Aidania with Immortal Titanius in the team for doubled magic.

After closing and restarting GoW

Happens every time.

It ALSO happened when I returned from exchanging icons for VP

Also I all Immortals must be able to ignore region parameters, as AIDANIA is currently limited to green troops ! Handy.


Immortals are always allowed in their home region, and Aidania is Titanus’s home region.

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Yes, I was stating the obvious not reporting that as a bug !