[Reported/Investigating] Vash + A. Weaver summon freezes game?

It no longer crashes the game now, somehow.

I gave it a go a couple of days ago, with quite a few tests.

Redmi 4 Prime (SD625, 3 GB ram), MIUI 10/Android 6 – no crashes, but some reasonable lag spikes, particularly with double summons.

Redmi Note 9S (SD720G, 6 GB ram), MIUI 11/Android 10 – no crash, v. minor lag

Alienware Alpha (i3/i5? 4 GB ram), Windows 10/Steam – SUCCESS! Got some crashes, not 100% of the time, used similar teams to noob above. Pics available, can try for a video, maybe?

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How long have you been running the game on Windows 10/Steam?

Also, if you can provide both, it would be nice. I could also adjust my setup to match it then.

Windows 7, Steam (Intel(R) Core™ i5-3340 CPU @ 3.1OGHZ,8 GB ram, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660)
Game Version Number: 5.1.0r23377
Game in the window mode (904x622). Graphics Quality: Medium. Animation Speed x4. Puzzle Hints & Mana Details on. Music/Sound/Full Screen/Blur Quality off.

Ranked PVP.

My team was:
Opponent’s team:

The game became unresponsive and crashed after my Vash’Dagon devoured my last troop and enemy’s Weaver summoned Webspinner. It was the 2nd (or 3rd?) cast of my Vash’Dagon).

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Necro because this bug STILL exists

Is bonkers that this still happens nearly 3 years since being reported :person_shrugging:

Probably the game gets into a deadlock.
I haven’t tested it myself but what I saw on the screenshots this bug happens when teams with multiple summoners involved.
For a couple of months I have used a VashDagon team without issues on PC and android as well, but without any other summoner on death troop.

I am curious, does this also occur when using Black Beast instead of Vash’Dagon?

Alive and well!
The bug, that is… (ignore Sibyl of Lust being selected)

Wasn’t even thinking :dizzy_face: will have to use a different team again…