Platform, device version and operating system:
Steam, iPadOS, Android – current versions
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Every time I return to the main map (and a lot of other times, as well), the busy indicator briefly appears, and the game becomes completely unresponsive to user input.
When I say “briefly,” exactly how long seems to depend on the device, and possibly the Internet connection.
For example, on my PC, the unresponsive time is approximately half a second. But on my WiFi-connected iPad 6, it’s closer to 2 seconds.
This is not acceptable.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
All the time, starting with version 6.1.0.
The first rule of user-interface design is: ALWAYS respond to user input. AT. ALL. TIMES.
If you really need to be “busy”, the busy indicator needs to appear after the player clicks on something, and then the click needs to be acted upon. Blocking their click/tap is a GUI-design 101 no-no.
If I really need to explain more than that, I’m afraid you need to hire better people.