Raid boss Questions and answers

I’m not in deep anything. Nobody in my guild was ever going to compete for a top spot in any category. We aren’t willing to put in the time to do that. The trophy, PVP, and even Guild Wars leaderboards are all about who can grind for the longest.

Now, finally, there is a leaderboard that can’t be brute-forced. As long as the rewards are minor, and they can be acquired through normal (if dedicated) gameplay, I don’t care if some people are going to spend real money chasing the top spot. In fact, I’m happy for that! It means that the devs are earning money that can keep this game running.

(Totally agree with the worry posted above that these “raid troops” might be useless dust-gatherers since raid teams will be limited by kingdom.)


this is where i got a problem, i consider myself a end gamer and the only ressources i am missing is gems, i would like to encourage the devs but the gems prices are ridiculously overpriced, so i don’t give any money since i don’t need anything else

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I have to disagree that guild wars is about grinding. It actually is more about skill. That, and a full guild that is dedicated to making the best possible score.


The boss killers will also be valuable if crafting Boss cards becomes a popular meta choice in PVP.

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skill and luck

1 move and the cpu cycles till you are dead isn’t anything to do with skill.

that happened a lot yesterday.


2h45 to go :slight_smile:
Im staying up late tonight im too curious


Same here i want be here when the storm begins!!!



I have to ask, where are you getting “2000 gems per week”?

At your activity level there’s no reason you should be short on gems other than if you’re blowing them recklessly to get every mythic and every troop ascended to mythic. I don’t even do half your amount of playing & have 17k gems banked without ever buying any, while spending them on all dungeon packages & maxing GW sentinels each week.

You can be an extraordinarily skilled player, but if you bring a team of four on-color common/rare troops, or a team that includes legendary troops without full traits, you’re going to get stomped. To compete for the best rewards in GW you need high-powered troops with full traits. And lots of them. That’s where the grind comes in: assembling the team that you can skillfully play to earn lots of points.

It’s an approximation, the tier 7 might be close to 1000 gems and there will be 2 event running per week and the other event will also contain tiered shop. So if you want everything you will need to spend 2x 1000 gems

skill and luck

1 move and the cpu cycles till you are dead isn’t anything to do with skill.

that happened a lot yesterday

10k plus team regardless - ie fully traited.

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Where are you getting tier 7 from?

Sometimes I feel like I’m playing a different game. GW is secret formula performance based on ONLY 30 battles per week. You can’t grind 19.5 hours in the day and do better.

The other PvP Leaderboards sure it is grinding.


Tier 4 is 500 gems

Yes? So, where is a tier 7 mentioned?

Nowhere sirrian stopped at 4 but there is more :slight_smile: and like i said it’s approximation

The devs never said there were more. A player made a guess based on the size of a slider in a pic.

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You are right but if it’s the case it will still cost 1000 gems per week and that too much for me :slight_smile: