Raid boss Questions and answers

We don’t have any informations about the drop rate of the troops: will it be like Event keys or Gem keys?

In short, what’s the probability to get a Legendary?

When it comes to financials, let’s not be too naive. Everyone wants more money.

It still is based on skill. Isn’t money a measure of skill? At life? There you go, most skilled get power orb.

No, not really. A lot of people get money for doing very little, and many hard workers get very little for their efforts. Life is great, isn’t it?


Hard work doesn’t relate to skill. Efficient work does. Too many people don’t want to understand that.

If you think someone is getting too much money for what they’re doing, go do it too. It’s called competition.

55 min to go!!!

45 min to go :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Im watching the GW race it’s really close

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it shouldn’t be lol, but whatever happens

Lol we had someone who didin’t connect since 3 day we were wondering if she will do her fight, we were 4th now 2nd 100 points under first

Edit: yesss we took first

Yeah… Cause I need 5x damage in the dungeon. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I thought the events were running on alternating weeks.

I guess it depends on which events are gem based and which aren’t

Yeah but sometime there will be 2 event during the same week

15 min to go!

we have someone that did not do battles!

tell him to hurry cause 5 min left :stuck_out_tongue:

Omg server problem very nice start


When u look under event banner its blank lol

The map is beautiful tho.

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Overload as everyone wants to kill some bosses.

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