Raid boss (Khetar)

Ra Ra Ra! /Less than 10

(I’m betting on summoning a generator… Or at the very least… acting as a decoy)

I prefer the keeper of souls… personally speaking.

And here I thought it wouldn’t be possible to like facing Dust Devil less.

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Boss-slayer and summoner under one skin? Give me two! Morterra is more useful than even Freya.

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I use Mang, Bone Dragon, Wall of Bones and Wight.

Really funny to see keeper of souls summoning raven in your team lol

It is quite amusing that someone thought it was not quite tedious enough so let’s stick Dust Devil in every other battle and force them to keep changing their troop order.


And to make it more cheesy some troops have Agile, because we really needed to miss skull damage against enemies with huge stats.

@Sirrian, it’s ok to present us with a cheesy challenge to our cheesy tactics with Mang, but honestly, we WOULD LOVE to use different weapons if WE HAD a decent assortment for such challenges/events. Why not start with a decent rework for the ones we get from the Raid/Bounty Shop?

Because aside from the novelty of collecting these and “Weapon is a freebie because i want the sigils and Event Troops, so i need to buy Tier 3 anyway.” mentality i really doubt there is a decent number of players relying on these…

Also maybe a new set of Mythic Weapons on the Soulforge for Raid/Invasion and Bounty?


Hey guys,

I think I found a bug in this weeks event. It seems, that one of your troops actually gains 3 mana when you match 3 gems. Abusing this bug makes it really fun, because every 4-5 turns, you can actually cast a spell!

Sarcasm aside, of course it’s possible to win some matches. But the only mana generators are Bastite Princess and to an extent War Sphinx and both need quite a bit of luck to actually be useful? And relying on skull matches doesn’t seem viable to win the later stages, since we need to cast mang first and then the raid troops still onehit our hero while we need 2 hits (and theres also Zuul to oneshot us).

Really disliking this week’s choices for troop options and raid boss minions… I thought after the random deathmark/devour feast of the first raid they had at least taken our feedback into account regarding minions, seems like I was mistaken :frowning:


If you see Dust Devil, just switched your troops placement.

I like how in the later stages, you have more than one troop that can one shot you as well ugggg.


Yup in later stages most troop can one shot kill you and the agile is now 100%
This is one of the worst Raid yet.


I tried that last night, and then had Dust Devil replaced by Valraven, so my troops were out of order the whole battle. Thankfully, it was an early enough battle that I didn’t have any major problems, but still…


oO you are right Stan. It never happened to me so far but that is a real possibility. I ma at level 150 for now

But you can just let the other troops die from skull as soon as boss is dead and go from there so it is not that big of a deal I think

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I think it was my first actual Zuul battle and I thought I was soooo clever to anticipate the Dust Devil cast. I just quit after that one, but I need to make sure I reorder my team before I do another one tonight.

Well you don’t want to miss your sigils lol

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I had the same experience but a little later. But it wasn’t worst than facing TWO Dust Devils…
I killed the boss, but lost the battle after an unnecessary long time, until i could make more changes into my team.

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For the 2nd week running, I have managed to do Raids without buying any tiers. My Boss level is currently 120.

I hope it is an intended pattern that if you have the mythic for the kingdom / troop type, you can do raids / invasions without buying the godslayer / seigebreaker. This option will of course only be realistically open to end game players with near complete decks that are fully-traited. If you happen to be short the critical mythic for the week, then you pay the 100 gems to get the godslayer / seigebreaker to play.

If this is the intended meta play mechanic, then it puts raids / invasions into a different light for me. I find that I am beginning to enjoy these two new modes a lot more.


I don’t use the Godslayer of this week or Pharos and I’m at the Boss level 240. Lost once. Got all the Valravens. Bought Tier 4.

So I’m not sure that the Mythic is a must-have in case you don’t have the Godslayer/siegebreaker. For sure, some Mythics are very good, but it’s not necessary…

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