Raid boss (Khetar)

Wow … that is a really good performance !

Raid sucks however you want to slice it. There is nothing they could do to make me like these 3 modes. Invasion is raid 2.0 same mechanic just a different name. Bounty is raid 3.0 same mechanic just for individual rewards. There is not one redeeming quality to 1 of them. At least with Gw you only have to do 5 fights a day and get PvP rewards for them. I wasn’t a big fan of Gw until these modes came out.


I use bone scorpion, the new godkiller…I forgot her name…and double pharos ra,it got me to boss level with no difficulty what so ever…after one pharos ra cast…the second does great at one shotting about anything…including the raid boss. up to level 105.

Agreed. if we got better rewards it would be tolerable…even something as simple as pvp rewards.

Mang, Aziris x 3, any purple banner seems to be a nice combo. You can quickly kill enemies before boss fills up and does significant damage to you.
1 Aziris may be replaced for a Godslayer.


The added twist this week is the boss not only KIAs with no defense, but also stuns and burns the others. Other than being impervious (War Sphinx if memory serves that’s what it’s called), none of Khetar’s troops have a defense against that to my recollection.

Per battle rewards still suck and the tier rewards aren’t worth the effort beyond about level 5 (certainly in comparison with other options).

I wonder how many boss battle games are played as the week progresses. Mine takes a nose dive about Thursday or Friday. Before that I won’t do more than about 10 a day. It’s not worth it to me.

One thing that would help is the battle ending as soon as you kill the boss. The other troops are only wasting time and don’t count for anything.

As you can probably tell I’m NOT impressed with the raid boss event. I prefer the invasion event even though it’s not much different. At least there are more reward tiers so the effort is worth it a bit longer. Also all the towers count and they get tougher more slowly and more extensive (start with 0 and work up to 4) as you get further into the event.


I prefer this boss to the one that gets enchant when he kill a troop that’s for sure!


Close to a total waste of time, however; you approach it. The rewards don’t justify the time spent playing. Let alone the ridiculous use of gems for supposedly helpful troops. The worst being the new hero. The Boss supposedly targets a random card for elimination but its usually your best attacking card. The support cards for the Boss basically one hit as the game progresses and often avoid regular skull damage. Once the Boss is killed you waste time trying to eliminate the minions, especially if you scored sigils or wait for your remaining troops to be eliminated. Boss actually gives GRIND in this game a bad name. You play for your guild to get useful rewards like the Arcanes -portal 6- but beyond that its pure relief when you run out of sigils. Well, the Boss can Boss himself . I really dont care and thats never a good sign in a regular player. I like GoW but Boss is a killer[ pun intended]

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I would actually be really happy to see this implemented, would go a long way in making raids more entertaining!

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Boss level 445…I played the match (almost) perfectly. Had 4 troops left against one Ancient Golem and after 20+ moves.

The AI gets enough favor from RNG. And the raid troops are already buffed enough. Do they really need the extra 10% buff from the event troop as well??!?

New feature requests:

  • don’t have event troops as opponents in the raids
  • get sigils from Valravens regardless of if you win the match or not. (Gnomes rewards as well)
    (Of course the match also lost me 2 sigils)

PS… Just a friendly reminder to the devs…GAMES are supposed to be fun. :grinning:


You know, you’d think that, but Leverage s04e16 wisely teaches us…

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When you think about the theory behind raids, the goal isn’t to “win” 100% of your matches. The goal is to maximize your damage to the boss.

If you push too hard, the opponents can start to one-shot your team and it affects how hard you can hit the boss before you succumb. It is better to “lose” and stay at a point where you can reliably deal 450 damage than it is to “keep winning” and get to a point where you die before you do 380.

IMO the real problem is the portals are important, and it takes a LOT of clan members performing at a very high rate to fill them. Not having a kingdom’s legendaries and mythics can be a serious drag on your performance.

So I think what’s happened is something very dangerous to mid-game players: people who thought they were close to endgame are suddenly being made aware they are very far away. That kind of heartbreak when you’re in deep is a recipe for burnout. It’s precisely why I left my last game.


Yes, but digital modern games often incorporate an element of Grinding. However, the Grid must have REWARDS at the end to pursue. Let’s be honest there is a lot of Grinding in Gems (and that can be ‘fun’). I think they forgot to (or were instructed to) not include appropriate rewards.

Pre-boss battles
All should give 1 Trophy
Rewards Gold, Souls, etc awarded at Warlord I

All boss battles (each end of battle rewards)
Gold, souls, etc should be awarding at Warlord IV
Every boss battle should reward 5 Trophies (yes 5).

GUILD rewards should be increased. The Event is under the Guild tab not the Games tab after all, so there should be Guild rewards.

For the love of your own work BUFF the Event weapon. So we have another option/tool.


This is even more true on a busy week like this one:
PVP to get rank 1
Daily Dungeons
Raid Boss
300 purple troops
Bonus Souls in Explo…

Don’t get me wrong, it is GREAT that the game offers so much to do.
But right now the Boss/Invasion have a bad time/reward ratio per match and a low fun element that makes them more a chore than a game.
We do it for the overall big guild reward, making it even more an obligation/chore.


You do realize that if they award trophy from raid boss those who spend a shit ton of gems to be in the top 100 will have a huge advantage in trophy gain by having done no PVP…

You can earn trophies in Arena as well. So, they aren’t limited to PVP.

You do realize the top trophy scores already get a ton of trophy anyway this would just give players a incentive to want to do as many raid as they can if they also gave trophy and other better rewards.

You are probably right for the top leaderboard player getting high trophy already anyway.

Trophy are meaningless anyway. They are only there as requirement for certain guild but as themself they don’t have much value.

I’d rather raid give out glory


Am I missing something? Are trophies for something besides a multiplier for the daily login bonus (which is somewhat trivial) and some position on a leaderboard?


Taking into account how long raid battles take at higher levels, even if they handed out 5 trophies per win playing arena would probably still be better for trophies… Hardly gamebreaking, would be a welcome change.