It actually makes me sad that the developers took all the time to create a ton of new player weapons but they are borderline worthless in the Event they were SPECIFICALLY created for.
Good grief at least the new event troops are used for a week, before they are discarded.
I’m more than aware of that. But I could have come up with something that is potentially usable during that specific event it releases, and not an OP powerhouse afterwards but tieing it to the Kingdom/Race a tighter, and giving it some damage.
I’m just saying it was lots of effort to create dozens and dozens of Hero weapons with very low usability.
+2 purple banner +2 purple links will fill 7 mana WS in one turn.
Lots of 4+ matches, lots of skulls for Mang. The main problem with Glacial Peaks was that teams were SLOW. Yes, you did cast Mang once or twice, but you weren’t able to kill Boss quick enough before he fills up. This time we don’t have good mana generators, but at least skulls is not a problem at all.