Raid Boss: Feedback and suggestions

You can. I got two regular orbs of clans this week, so I was able to contribute 2100 seals this week because I waited until after I had my 1500 to cash them in.


Good to know, thx for testing that out for us. I pulled the orb of wisdom so that might be useful on a mythic troop to save on trait stones, after doing the first trait of course.


Maybe instead of 50 we can start at 10 for the first portal and making it to 10th portal could grant us 100, so we earn more as we unlock each portal.

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In the grand scheme of things, it kind of is. Yeah, it does more than Major Orb of Growth, but it doesn’t count for crafting Zuul’ Goth. If you don’t have any plans of crafting Zuul’ Goth, then Major Orb of Clans isn’t as bad.

Some people like myself have 0 luck when it comes to opening guild seals at 40k.

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Just try saving for new mythic week, after I use gems and glory up I try those and usually around 10,000 seals I pull the new troop, it helps saving in gems.

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In all my time of playing and using seals, including already mythicing all of the guild guardians, I have yet to pull a Mythic of any kind from Guild Seals.

I’m down to 3 base Mythics that I have yet to obtain.

I wish I could be as optimistic :sweat_smile:

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I have 19,000 seals ready for tomorrow so I’m hoping they come through for me, I only spend resources on new mythic weeks.

And I only need war too, so it’s nice being caught up with mythics.

100+90+80     = 270
70+60+50      = 180
40+30+20+10   = 100
Total         = 550 

It’s an improvement of of only 50 seals in the total with a detrimental effect on earlier rewards that will affect only smaller guilds. I consider this hardly desirable…

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550 per player tho, with all 30 that’s 16,500 plus if we get more seals per fight, that could definitely help out.
We can’t get too greedy now as we get none but the 5 per fight.

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Don’t know if this has been reported, but if you retreat from battle, your boss damage isn’t counted. (If your team die it is.)

Obviously it’s better not to force people to continue with a lost game (I’ll gladly try to whittle down two remaining enemies with Xiang Mao alone, but sometimes it’s worse than that!)

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My propposal was also per player. Just like the 50 Seals we receive on our Mail when the guild wins the daily battle at GW. These seals also behaving as extras to the player individual’s amount if he/she reached the weekly max of 1500 before collecting.

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I know what you meant and if they imposed that either way I’d be happy, I just think they might see 50 per portal as too much and 50 for the first and tenth doesn’t make the tenth special as much.

We’ll see what the think and do.

Good ideas . Keep them coming.


This “special feeling” is detrimental to a bigger portion of the playerbase, not really useful in the big scheme of things. There will be cases where some players will get really invested in the raids but the rest of the guild will not or simply cannot.

As i said before it’s to be assumed that most guilds will not make past Portal Six or Seven, even with huge personal investiment (time and gems) of their most passionate members, but it would be enough for the guild as these extra seals amounting near or even past the normal gains of a week full of victories in GW which is not a small feat in some brackets. Also even smaller guilds doing less, for any reason, would have a good share of seals at least.

To make the last portals more special i advocate for better rewards than seals. I just didn’t had proper time to think about it so far.

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I thought about this the other day, and I have to admit… if I were not in a Bracket 1 or 2 Guild… I don’t know if I would still be playing at this point.
That is info I think the devs should have… for what its worth…


Too many good ideas that we put it into read mode only, lol.


I personally feel the raid shop is too expensive for gems, this needs to be cut down. It was said this week ravens will be alot more common to play the raids but i found none but finding gnomes so how is that fair? . And if you win the battle you should be able to play again without it using a sigal . And the difficulty is too unbalanced. So really my guild as a whole aren’t enjoying this new raid.

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If Raid uses this many gems, than Invasion better be able to supply us with a lot of gems. If they balance out, I am cool with that. I am enjoying the Raid mode, but agree that rewards/seals/trophies are missing. I also think that something needs to be done about the Valraven. I love the concept, but as you get higher you almost have to make a choice between a) focusing on killing the boss, and raising your Raid level or b) focus on killing the Valraven and get 2 seals but risk a higher chance of having the boss take our your troops. It becomes almost impossible to take out both in the higher levels (unless you get lucky and your Valraven doesn’t fly away, which is super rare). Maybe raising the mana the Valraven needs as you get to higher levels would fix this? Just a suggestion.

I really do love the concept of Raids though. It is a nice break from the GW metas. PLEASE only keep GW every 3 weeks now. Even though I enjoy GW, the break is most welcome.


If you are finding no ravens, that is a bug and should be reported to the devs. Ravens are supposed to appear on tightly controlled schedules (I get the idea it’s once every X battles — so you’re guaranteed to see one raven in battles 1-4, then one more in battles 5-8, then one more in 9-12…).

But they only appear in raid mode, so if you aren’t seeing them in PVP/Explore, that’s normal.


I think the leader board should be ranked by boss level achieved and not score. Anyone can rack up points with the right amount of gems. Make it somewhat of a skill leaderboard at least.


Completed all portals and got a major orb of growth. Wow, what crock of shite. No wonder I’m walking away from this garbage.