PVP Changes

Thank you for collecting all this feedback! Looking forward to what tweaks may come :blush:


Before this update I would have been happy enough if there was a Monolith that specifically raised the chances of finding pet gnomes, especially since I was in a run of some 400+ games without finding one, that’s too much. My longest pet gnome drought by a few hundred games, almost feels like a job trying to get one to spawn. Now… I don’t know.

And yes, I want the Easy - Medium - Hard choices back, balanced to team score.


No. One semi constant echoed feedback throughout this thread is “no nerfs”.

Players enjoy (and some Need) these troops/classes to compete in events/delves/etc.

No Nerfs.


Particularly on this point, it would be great if the old code was implemented/improved such that any team containing 3 of the same troops is classed as the same, per Mithran’s suggestion in the thread when the old code was introduced:


I’ll add this as it’s own point as it’s not related to the actual difficulty but to the base VP rewarded which is a separate topic.

What level is your account?


Nope, if you read the thread there was mixed feedback about this.
I’m not going to tell the team to nerf the class, but there’s been enough debate here about it that it needs to be looked at as to why Elementalist is a topic at all.

To be clear: Our stance is to avoid nerfs, so any review of it will be with us asking “does it really need this though? What are the other factors here? Will any of the other changes we’re working on or any of the feedback here address this point indirectly instead of having to touch the class? Can we implement other feedback and release the other updates we’re already working on and see if the feedback about Elementalist changes because of those updates?”


…in PvP and GW.

That is what needs to be understood.

Same issue was alleged on Journey Troops, and they’ve been nerfed into irrelevance despite:

So if you’re hearing that a nerf ‘may’ be necessary to troops/classes, you’re once again heading down that road.

No Nerfs.


People who want to ‘go back to the old PVP’ are talking more about the feeling of playing pvp, as we can’t outright get rid of new troops that are changing the meta. This includes “more variety in opponent teams”, and also includes some sort of balance of skill vs luck.

All of PVP has been ‘nerfed’ with the latest change. Everyone is clamoring rebalance. This isn’t possible without other nerfs, despite some pretending, and the bullheaded hardlining is frustrating.

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Thanks - I just opened a bug report. Level 1728.

It seems like the patch just kind of moved everything to the middle. I’m seeing fewer high level teams than last week. I couldn’t even find a use for victory tokens today.


Re potential elementalist nerf - look hard at restricted team play for Nexus when discussing any potential nerf. Those troops really need that class, as I’m sure that is how it was designed. Underspire, Tower, etc etc would be rough going with Nexus teams without the class benefits.


And thus we performed unnecessary overkill nerf on pathfinders so suddenly out of the blue that official announcement could only be made when Journey event already started. Right.

If you insist on having attack teams as the enemies other face, then - at the minimum - enforce your restrictions properly, no Elementalist on Suncrest region, for example.

Otherwise, if you think that people should be able to use any hero class they want on attack, then either

  • go over team composition when choosing our enemies and replace any class with restriction fitting class (like you replaced Dawnbringer in the Arena preiously)
  • make special slot in a region (like we have event-only team slots) and people set defense teams - subject to proper restrictions - there. In case they don’t, that slot is filled with random lineup as we had our enemies given before in PvP-explore mode.

If you tweak color regions to allow hero classes with respective +magic mastery (or, for more fun, respective +magic mastery and the one directly opposite on the mana wheel) - for defense, of course, nobody really cares what one uses for their attack teams - that should reduce Elementalist complaints considerably.

With current track record, nerfing should be last thing one looks at.


Sirrian/Steve’s design motto with regards to changes, nerfs, buffs is to look at 1. Feedback, 2. Analytics/data, 3. Intuition/Design – and I’m reasonably sure it’s stayed the same over the years. My hope is that it helps them make the right call with Elementalist. I don’t think Wand of Stars is an issue on its own, personally.

This has shown up in a few threads from years ago, here’s one:

There has been some mix of feedback from people in the thread with some saying Elementalist is too strong/everywhere and quite a few saying nerfs are not the answer.

It is definitely important to look at the class as important across a range of game modes, which perhaps highlights some game balance deficits in other areas.

Good luck to the team that has to make these decisions :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Please no nerfs or rebalancing, elementalist isn’t overly powerful in any other area, it’s just cause the most obvious high power team uses it.

I really appreciate that you have both casual and defense teams, I honestly think if these are added in and only this it will drastically improve everything with no nerfs needed!


I’m sure it’s been mentioned already. But now blood frenzy is completely unbalanced.

And since you changed the defense post update I have to assume it was on purpose. You wanted to see how many players used the difficult PVP before making the game mode unplayable.

That being said I’ve come up with the solution for all the woes.
Have the AI replace the hero troops in all pvp with a random troop for defense teams. You were already doing this with Lance Knight prior to the change.
Make the “None” area casual pvp by halving the team stats for defense and lowering the VP points and trophies earned. (If you can raise it by 50% then you can also lower it.)

Blood frenzy would now be the only place you can face other player teams with hero troops included. But also remove the stat buff for defense. (Players will still need monoliths due to the restrictions already set in place.)

What the developers of the game need to realize is you can’t scale difficulty based on what humans can beat and cannot beat. If a match takes too long then it’s a loss even if a player wins.


I do agree that your list reflects the ideas that were proposed. But I’m a little concerned that it doesn’t reflect the popularity of those ideas in terms of how many likes or how many people independently expressed that wish. Because some of those items were MUCH more popular than others.

Most importantly, it doesn’t reflect the fact that a lot of people specifically asked that you NOT nerf/rebalance elementalist and wand of stars.

I would ask that IF you nerf something for the sake of PVP, please only nerf it IN PVP (or just restrict its use in PVP mode). Lots of games have been very successful with having different rule sets for PVE vs. PVP.


The strength of elementalist allows lower level players to participate in scaling guild content and pull their weight, letting them punch above their weight class. It reduces frustration in all pve modes, and a nerf would really hurt new players.

The strength of elementalist makes it very frustrating to play against in 100% of pvp matches.

You can fix the pvp issue by class restricting some pvp regions, without nerfing the class and ruining the pve modes. You can even leave it alone in Central Spire so that it still exists in one pvp mode.

Anyway, I really hope that the class isn’t just nerfed into the ground, even if it is very obviously too strong.


Why do I have to say this over and over again?!


Nerfing a few troops or classes is the equivalent of a doctor in the 18th century. It’s like hammering a nail into your skull to get rid of a headache.

How is that so hard to understand?


You are listening to a minority a players. Please do not nerf because of a mode. Otherwise, you are running all areas of the game. Please do not pull a Bungie and nerf the best weapons/troops because of PVP try hards. There is a counter, 3 Orpheus medals. Or introduce new medals to counter.

Also, you are listening to players not taking the time to change the team around to counter what they are battling. They just want to blast 1 team as fast as possible. If they do that, let them lose.

I am not playing PVP and would be really disappointed that it caused my entire game play to change because of whiners.


If PVE got even more messed up (like the looping troops/Journey) in the drive to cater to PVP, I might genuinely leave this game. I put up with the PVP modes because I like the other stuff. If there’s nothing left to like, what’s even the point.


Yes but isn’t every game a new player starts, supposed to start slow.

Or should I start rainbow siege 6 now, play one day, join the professionals and win half a million dollars.

I’m so confused, I expect to be bad when I start any game.