PSA regarding saved up keys and 2.0

He said low chance of getting it from glory keys not glory rewards in shop. Right?

he did say keys, i want to know about shop…

I highly doubt mythic troops will ever be available with glory.

It would be amazing if they offered them in the shop. However, I assume they won’t make it that easy to get a mythic. I guess we will see tonight.

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You mean next week. There probably won’t be any event/shop changes until next week.

Event changes on Monday according to Sirrian. Or more specifically, the current event ends with 2.0 and when 2.0 starts we get a new copy of the Nobend Brothers event till Monday.

Source: 2.0 Update - Server Maintenance - #57 by Sirrian

I hope someone gets that mythic day 1, looking at you @MrSammy!

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I’ve been saving my keys for a while and I do have a few.
I was thinking of: using all my gold and gold keys after the release. I was also thinking of using glory keys over 10K.
I honestly do not know what to do with my gems (and before you ask, no, I’m not giving them to you), I might do the same think as for the glory keys.

in the chat today dev said it was gonna be live with the 2.0

Will the new kingdom’s troops be in the chests immediately?

Yes as will be the mythic troop as well.