Problem to launch the game (Error 768 Asset corruption on Xbox)

Merci beaucoup à l’équipe technique, la méthode fonctionne après avoir désinstaller puis réinstaller. ensuite il faut effectivement changer la langue en passant de français à US puis US à français.
Thanks a lot!!

I will try when back home. I hope that will be ok for me as well :slight_smile:

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can’t seem to find any other way to get you a screen shot of the xbox, this is after delete and reinstall, (however the reinstall was way quick it normally takes around 20-30 min this time it took 2-3 min…

doing a full delete shut down re start reinstall, now.

Okay so full delete full installation, had millennial achievement come up as it restarted, And it seems to be all fixed now, (however before i started the game i went to change my language and my region and saw there was a middle option language region, which was set to English Australian??? changed that as well, before starting so not sure which cure the issue, full delete install or language region.

Even the new doom thinghys are visible in the unowned troop section,

So are we going to all get the new pet from yesterday that we could not partake in etc?

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Le jeu se relance mais il y a des bugs ça fait comme l’image de Chloep …
Grand merci !

The game is working again! This is such great news to wake up to. :smile:

Just like it happened with iceinc, I was also experiencing the kingdoms as numbers issue right after the fix (even though I had reinstalled the game and fully restarted the console before I tried to login).

Uninstalling and reinstalling the game again did not fix this problem. However, changing the language through the game menu from English to Spanish and back to English fixed everything. I wonder if everyone else will have to follow the same procedure after loging in for the first time.

I want to thank @Kafka , @Cyrup and the whole development team who worked hard to solve this problem. I hope everyone else is able to play again and all of us can relax after these stressful couple days. :wink:

Changed console to Spanish/Spain, and it’s working with name placeholders all over the place. good for me, for now

just a little follow up, as per usual going into troop menu he game stars to hang i exit and restart and the names and troops have disappeared again, I clear the temp file and cache and switch power off when back on same problem persist, So i click on the tabs or region and language etc and restart from there and after restart if is working fine again, (So it definitely looks like there is something a miss with the regions and languages.

Just though i should mention that, when it happens again, i will just try the restart console from the region language menu and see what happens, I will post my findings,

Great news, It’s working now bye bye error 768
We still need, indeed, to switch to US language then come back in French or other to remove the txt problem but everything seems to be in order.
Thanks for the work done

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Finally, the 768 server error was resolved.

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Im am glad everyone can play now

Good job devs

nope not resolved, It was enough of a pain to have to restart the game every so often due to it freezing completely when you access the troop menu, but now when you restart i have to delete the local saved data do a language and region change the restart the xbox so the the change effects then shut down and unplug to clear the cache then restart and log in just to be able to pley, well alogside with the nerfing of the dragon eye (which makes no difference to me since i never liked it in any case, but also the reduced drop rate for arcane traitstones which people will realise soon enough) I did after around 100-150 explore games,) I think people are ready to start leaving the game, but perhaps that is what the devs had in mind all along, get the older bigger players out do the smaller newer players BUY more stuff to get to the top,

Well looks like you plan is working fine, But by no means pat yourself on the back this issue has not been resolved, a work around is not a fix it remains a work around. but since you know your code inside out i suppose you would recognize that, OR NOT.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I’m also suffering the same issue.

Whatever you did to fix the game makes me get the numbered kingdoms every time I log in after quitting the game. Except this time the problem won’t go away after changing the language back and forth.

As I said before, I use Brazil as my region and English as my default language. This allows me to play every game with English dubs and subtitles, which I prefer. After the fix, the English language is not working. I can switch to Spanish or any other language and it works fine, but switching it back to English makes everything appear as codes.

The only way to fix this issue is by deleting my save, loging in and then switching the language back and forth from English to Spanish and then English again. However, this is really annoying and I really hope I don’t have to follow this procedure every time I turn on my console.

Can you help me, @Kafka and @Cyrup?

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especially since every so often the game freezes, (funny i never saw the Beta logo on the game anywhere, and it sure as hell needs it)

By the way after now my 4/5th time using the work around on the last try the work around failed and I am currently trying again…

Je pensais que c’était ok jusqu’à ma derniere connection (il y a 30 min) : le jeu se lance, toujours avec quelques bugs d’ecriture (nom des royaumes etc…) Le probleme arrive durant le chargement d’un match , là ça gèle…le match ne se charge pas …
nous sommes 2 à jouer à Gems of war (bloodmoon 2033 et furieti75)
Sauvez nous !

I thought it was ok until my last connection (30 minutes ago): the game starts, always with some writing bugs (name of the kingdoms etc. …) The problem happens during the loading of a match, there it freezes …the match does not load …
we are 2 to play Gems of war (bloodmoon 2033 and furieti75)
Save us !

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J’ai pu tester un peu ce soir en rentrant, après avoir changer la langue ans l’es option du jeu, les textes sont revenu comme il faut.
J’ai fait une 10aine de match et tout était nickel pour moi.
Pourvu que ça dur maintenant !
En tout cas merci pour tout

On vient de changer la langue et ça fonctionne ! Merci pour l’astuce et pourvu que ça dure :wink:

Oui nickel MAIS , en me reconnectant plusieurs heures après avoir, à nouveau pu jouer comme vous, vu que ce bug 768 à l’air d’avoir été géré,
j’ai eu une petite mais mauvaise surprise en relançant le jeu car cette fois-ci, le changement de langue pour avoir les textes en français en passant par la langue US ou autres puis en revenant sur français…bien ça ne marchait plus!
Du coup là, ayant la flemme de revirer à nouveau mes 2 saves et le reste et reDL le jeu et bien je joue en anglais…

Yes good BUT, after reconnecting myself several hours later, after beeing able to play like you, since this bug 768 seems to have been managed,
I had a small but bad surprise by relaunching the game because this time, the change of language to get the texts in French while passing by the English language or others then returning to French… well it was not working anymore!
So, being tired to remove again my 2 saves and the rest and reDL the game,so I play in English for the moment…
i hope this little problem will be taken care off

Bonjour. J’ai fait comme vous j’ai changé la langue et ça a marché. J’ai commencé par anglais nickel. Au bout d’un moment j’ai éteint ma console et tu fais autre chose. En rallumant le français et l’anglais ne marchait plus je suis donc passée sur espagnol au bout d’un moment j’ai éteint la console. En redémarrant pareil pour l’espagnol au fait au bout d’un moment quand on a utilisé toutes les langues il n’y a plus rien qui marche et le bug subsiste

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