POLL: How do you feel about the Valkyrie changes?

Lol yes, I dare say things could be worse. At least with GoW it really feels like the devs care about the game and it’s players even if we don’t always agree on their methods. The reason I’ve stuck around GoW for almost 2 years is because I genuinely feel @Sirrian and crew are trying to create a game that avoids most of the toxicity of other F2P games while still being very fun and engaging. My passion, as do most others I’d imagine, for GoW and my willingness to argue with other players is directly because of the care the Devs give the game.


I’d go and make some popcorn but I’d miss like 20-30 posts in that time…

Valkyrie was not the target of a specific NERF, is it that hard to understand? Valkyrie’s change is a fallout of NECROMANCY trait REWORK. (I assume everyone is intelligent enough to read what it does now, so I won’t explain it again here).

I will also assume that everyone here is intelligent enough to comprehend the fundamental problem it would create, if Valkyrie KEPT the necromancy trait, with its new effect. She would be TOO GOOD.

Funny enough even if she kept the necro trait she would still generate souls slower, because of how the trait was CHANGED. So removing the trait is not an issue in itself, what seems to be the problem for the people who have to cast her 1 more time per battle (boo-hoo) is exactly that, having to cast her 1 time extra.

What you can do, instead of having this relatively pointless (except for entertainment value) discussion is try to agree on a suggestion how to fix the issue (assuming you can convince @Sirrian that it actually is an issue). Personally I think increasing valkyrie’s base magic (or the base amount of souls she generates) would be an easy solution to allow people to get similar soul return per cast to the one buffed by old necro trait.

Personally I am guessing having things work the way they are now was the goal of the DEV’s and you’re all wasting time. We’ll all have to get used to the new way things are, and that’s it. We always did, we always do and we always will. That’s how gaming works. In the end DEV’s decide and players accept (because honestly, even if it got extreme and 1 or 2 quit, 95% of the complaining people will stay and keep playing and get used to the new way of doing thins anyway).

Goddamnit and I told myself no more walls of text … see what you made me do …


They’ve been looking for a way to slow down the game for a while, IMO. I’m not surprised they did this.


The people beating matches in under a minute are not concerned with soul gain/match.
They know they will recoup that overtime.

Ok, I will refrain from summarizing. So there is your whole quote. :wink:
Above you state that she was nerfed becase she was overwhelmingly popular. You further argue that she did not need a nerf to soul generation but rather other troops that were equally as viable to compete with her. Since YOU are not debating souls you MUST be referring to her blue mana generation. Like ALL colors there is one devoted converter and then gamble converters, like Lady Anariel, Sea Troll, Justice, that could play the same role. If souls are NOT your concern, then her viability did not change, and they couldn’t make troops compete with that aspect because that goes against their design concept for troops.

What WAS changed was her soul generation. What did happen was other troops now generate souls with a higher rate, making them competitive with Valk from that stand point. I am still struggling to perceive your frustration with the situation.

And when other people in the thread are arguing ONLY about the souls… then it further muddies the water…

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But the only people they slowed down were the people that need souls. Is it starting to click yet?

We’re talking about pvp here. Again no one should HAVE to play any game mode they find annoying af. People leave the game for that type of shtuff.

See I just don’t see them as junk. I still play Arena from time to time, I view it as a challenge. I view team composition as a puzzle itself. I’m constantly messing with troops and suboptimal builds.

Right now, I’m running a defend team of:

Templar / Paladin / Grand Inquisitor / Mercy

I’m winning around 35% without any OP legendaries or Blue master troops.

First person to say it clearly. Thank you!
Sorry I missed it while I was typing my last response! lol

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Ok as a console end game player, this doesn’t seem NEARLY as bad as people make it out to be?

Doesn’t Valkyrie require 3 casts to hit max soul cap (provided no necromancy) instead of 2?

My goto team is
Emperor Khorvash***
Crimson Bat***

I have magic kingdoms 5 starred, so I get full effect from the spells.

Let’s clarify something:
Valkyrie was a crutch because she was the BEST soul maker, best blue magic maker, and cheap to boot.

She was absolutely broken because she could do FAR TOO much and at the same time completely necessary to make souls anything less then a lesson in frustration.

Looking at this from an objective point (i’m not fond of the change at all) this was a GOOD thing for the game.

Valkyrie is no longer broken, and still capable of getting almost max souls from 2 casts correct?

They also added soul gain to numerous other troops to TRY to give options.

Why is this so awful? Again I’m not fond of the change because now unless I take an extra 30-60 seconds per match, I won’t get max souls.

I can however completely understand why they did it. I just wish they made OTHER troops as strong as a valkyrie as opposed to a small valkyrie nerf.


Everybody needs souls to a certain extent. I certainly see your point that there are some very resource-rich people that don’t need them but that’s why they’re releasing so many common and ultra-rate troops now. They will eventually need more souls, just like the rest of us.

For someone harping on about intelligence that was a pile of crap! She was specifically nerfed to reduce her usage.

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Exactly, this is the problem. We don’t care that they are trying to get us to play with other troops. It’s the fact that the other troops are the bottom of the trash bin. Also if it takes you longer to complete a match in pvp just because you want to get max souls, that is nerfing us and no one else.

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Despite the “fact” that some of you are wrong :wink: I’ve enjoyed this debate but need to get going with my day. I wish you all the best. :slight_smile:

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[quote=“HKdirewolf, post:268, topic:14368, full:true”]We’re talking about pvp here. Again no one should HAVE to play any game mode they find annoying af. People leave the game for that type of shtuff.

I get you man, I really do. But the simple answer is that this game has never really had a “one size fits all” game mode. They’ve always forced us to play multiple game modes to get certain resources at a maximum rate. The fact that PVP became a catch-all for a short period of time between 2.0 and now was probably (and I would say in hindsight, obviously) undesired on the part of the devs.

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I think the point was that you still have to “farm” souls, whether or not you use Valk explicitly to do so. The “broken” part is still being restricted to a small subset of troops to be able to earn souls and progress in the game (earn kingdom stars by leveling troops), rather than just normal play (an entire weeks worth of battles, say, 125 to max seals, would otherwise amount to one level on one troop) . For those that don’t have TDS, they’ll likely still be restricted to using Valk if they want a decent amount of souls through normal play. For those that don’t have Death (or even KoS, to use with a spider or slime), all of them are pretty bad or don’t synergize with Valk.

You keep making this assertion, but really, the troops in question are so bad (with a couple exceptions) that if you do stack necromancy you are killing your clear speed to the point where you can get more with a faster team. The fastest pure soul farm team I’ve found uses Spider/TDS/2x necro. In PvP, if you don’t have Death, you probably only want to use one (or none, if you also don’t have KoS) because using them would kill your match speed to the point of actually slowing your overall production. And that is with a 50% necromancy.

The main thing this patch changed is that TDS is now the “best” soul generator, earning 50% more souls than before and fairly easy to spam to get your three casts. Valk is still in second place because of her massive utility, but gains a third less souls per cast now, meaning some people won’t cap out if they continue using just valk. Third place is Banshee with a conditional convert, which is kinda useable. After that, we have a fairly wide gap in terms of actual troop usability to get to Wight (who generates just enough gems that you’ll probably give the enemy a match 4-5) and Avina (who comes short of actually oneshotting problem undead troops like Bone Dragon). Then we have another wide gap, with the Hero weapons Soul Blade and Phylactery, which do pretty much nothing in terms of getting you toward the finish line of a battle, then another gap, and then the Ensoul trait which might just barely edge out just killing stuff as fast as possible for the 4 souls per battle.

Basically, we could still use some more Necromancy troops, some more baseline gains, traits that raise baselines passively, more generators etc. Astral Spirit getting necromancy would be a good start, because she is Ultra-Rare and at least has some synergy with Valk. Possibly even Sunweaver. A couple reds that don’t use purple to use Banshee with would be nice as well. Then we need another trait that can go on an entirely different pool of troops that gives +2 souls when an enemy dies (or we need slight rarity increased baselines). Ensoul needs to be buffed to at least +2 and Undead Bond needs to be swapped with Necromancy for the Necromancer class (even the combination would take forever to hit the cap through looping by comparison to the other tools available). If there is to be true variety while still gaining souls, some form of soul generation or passive gain needs to be on about a third of the troops, not < 5% (over half of which are at bottom in terms of usability and have incredibly poor synergy).

TL;DR - I think the biggest complaint of all is that the nerf happened without giving good counter-options both in terms of absolute farm speed (per minute, not per battle) and PvP usability. And to be fair, this is my assessment as well, except for TDS, which is even better. But it is highly unlikely we are going back, so lets go forward. Lets hopefully get some better/viable options in (that dont require getting a legendary/mythic).


Even if the necromancy trait in itself was prompted by “the valkyrie issue” (which honestly I’m not sure was the case), that was one piss poor nerf, and I’d give Sirrian a bit more credit than messing up something like that.

The change will not cause valkyrie to be used less, anyone believing that is deluded. As it was mentioned, she’s still the only blue generator and MANY very popular troops are blue-mana-based. She’s still a soul generator (in exactly same flat amount as before, just without the extra trait buff). So yeah, people will keep using her … even if they have to cast her once more or settle for a bit less souls per game, because that is the only difference.

That about sums it up. Honestly I’m more annoyed about her getting the mana shield :smiley: (now my faceroll double mab team is even less useful than usually, can’t even use it against mirror matches), than losing the necro trait.

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I think the answer here is pretty obvious.

Valkyrie is a base rare card. Due to the prevalence of OP blue troops, she’s one of the best transformers in the game. Add in her soul generation and she’s one of the best troops in the game, period.

Does anybody REALLY think that makes sense to have a base rare card be one of the best troops in the game?

It sucks that they did it, sure. But you could see it coming from a mile away.


i suppose it was about time

im just griefing for my extra time ill have to spend to win every fight… that gonna slow down also my traitstone gain…

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Indeed. The changes are ineffective and cause restrictions. An alternative should be designed.


I have to think that the devs intend to introduce more Necro troops. The “garbage” argument may go away over time. At least I hope it will. :smiley:


The thing that we’re trying to ultimately get at is there is a whole list of ways they could’ve taken that would’ve been better. We’re not saying she shouldn’t have been nerfed at all. It’s just that there are so many better ways that would have been fair. Every troop that they’ve ever nerfed they’ve still left viable. Most of the updates they’ve done to the game have in some way or another been made more fair. (IE:legendary tasks most recently) Valkyrie is a different story entirely. She was left blind and handcuffed. This was done very quickly without any other options given.