Please provide an update on Guild Wars

Hi devs, since Nimhain’s post in March, it has been 3 months without a word. Can the team please give us an update on the progress of rewriting guild wars so it will be better for us to enjoy? Has the dev team even started to write a line of code for the new guild wars? Any update will be appreciated. Thanks again!


We involved you all in this process so early it hasn’t started being designed yet. We wanted to be able to properly take your feedback into consideration before the design process even began so that we have the most chance of being able to use as much feedback as possible.

I will update the main thread soon but currently we are just taking the feedback on board!

Sorry for the lack of updates, it’s been great reading what everyone has had to say, whether they love or hate guild wars it’s been enlightening!

We’re super glad to be able to involve the community so early in this as normally we’re not able to.


Can you please ask about adding an alternative method to getting the guild wars troops then since work hasn’t even started on bringing it back? Some of us have been playing long enough already to have stella but can’t even get all of the common troops in our inventory since there is no way to do so.

The Guild Wars rework is planned for later this year so it won’t be long now in the scheme of things.
But yes, that feedback was also passed on.


Oh I heard something about ‘later this year’ recently

Soon we will celebrate 2 years of this promise being said and repeated monthly.


So, we can expect guild wars to be reworked after the next update?

It will already have been over half a year at that point and many guilds, including my own, have had to take drastic measures to keep players. Do you guys understand the severity of having no guild wars? It makes players think more critically about their decisions and makes them better players.

Many of us have had enough of these pvp updates, bugs, and features that no one has even asked for…


Thanks. I don’t know what to say at this moment but I hope we will get more updates later this year.

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Ahi te demuestran que no estan a la altura de gems of war y tampoco les interesa lo que opinemos nosotros como jugadores.

But it didn’t make them spend money. So it will return once it has been ‘improved’ so that it does.


Maybe not directly. People would spend money raising their kingdom levels thus raising their stats. Even 1 stat point matters sometimes in GWs.


Agreed, but that will continue regardless. Nothing new comes without a price now, though.


Please… take your time. :blush:

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Some people are so selfish… I can’t see me complaining because a group of people wanted to bring back a game mode. If I didn’t like the mode, then I would just consider it none of my business…


Please don’t.
It’s been since 2023 that you are doing nothing about the wars.
Or the random dragons
Or the random sentinels. But that’s another story.
If people don’t want wars then they can not play wars.
Stop mocking us setting a war every month and canceling it a few day before.

But if you want fedbacks, here’s one. I’m not going spending resources, let alone real money, for the privilege of fighting Guild Wars.


More people quitting every day. Game is in fast decline. It’s ground hog day every week, same boring game. Look at the alliances, that lasted long,

I suggest you start paying attention to your diminished customer base immediately and bring wars back now.

Won’t be a game by time you recreate it which btw will never happen. It’s a complete come on asking what players wanted in gw,


Not a guild wars fan, but can we stop having the X days til guild wars all the time. It confuses the players who don’t keep up with the current information.


@Kafka - it’s not like we want you guys to rush out a new version of guild wars that’s buggy…but on the other hand, GW is the glue that keeps many guilds together. Others have spoken more eloquently about that, so I won’t belabor that point. The reality remains that between dragon roulette and no GW, guilds are imploding and long time players are continuing to abandon the game. It feels bad. I know you’ve carried the message forward, but players really need to see a sense of urgency on both of these issues.