Please Make Tuesday Delves Weeklong Events

@EricBLivingston At hoard level 1000, it means you can use Rowanne all the way. Take the shortcut and you are done for 2 hours. Take it from an Over powered delve player. It is just impossible for you, but not for everyone flexible. I spent a min of 10M gold to raise the hoard and buy tier 7X7 plus if I feel grinding then more. Easy.

You need to change your strategy. It is not impossible. You just need strategy.

lol… I don’t get why everyone keeps arguing like this one-day thing is good.

Look, let’s say the designers are all sitting in a room, and some guy has just explained the Tuesday event idea… an staff member raises her hand:

staff member: “Ok, I get the idea, but for many players that event’s going to not work… requiring 4-5 hours of play to get that event done is going to prevent a lot of people from even participating. Why not make it longer, so more people can find the time to play the whole thing during the week? They’d be more likely to buy up the tiers and do the whole thing if they had the time to do it, I think”

Idea guy: “No, no, that’s the thing. Having the entire event squeezed into one day, so a player is forced to spend 4-5 hours on a single weekday, might block many players from even trying, but overall it’s far better, and we’ll make more money overall, because __________________________”

Can anyone finish that sentence in any way that makes any sense?

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@EricBLivingston I have no issue with you asking for 3 days, but you need to give a reasonable argument. That’s all.

4-5 hours? Full run? Is that why you need 3 days because you’d like to do a full run? Be more precise on what you’d like to do. Do you like to snack in between and not do speed running? You like to do it in 3 days so you are more relax. That’s acceptable.

Hasn’t the argument been quite clear from the very beginning? Three to five hours on a weekday playing this game for a level 500 pure-faction clear is a lot to ask for a relatively casual player. If anything, I haven’t seen a good counterargument against this proposal.

Yes, of course a level 500 pure-faction clear is doable without potions for every faction, some significantly more difficult than others, but I’m not sure what bearing that has on the matter. Why does that make it a bad idea for Tuesday faction assaults to be longer so that those who would rather spend gems on it can do so, without the stressful demand of also having to spend so much time on it on that one day?


Quoting for emphasis.

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@Qoob @blindnighto His original post was acceptable. Until lately, it includes impossibility. That is not true anymore.

Actually, this made me react differently. Duh :roll_eyes:

You seem to be proceeding from a false assumption, which is that the devs actually want you to be able to complete everything in the game. I see plenty of evidence to the contrary personally. Their general view seems to be that it should be a slow puzzle game not a fast team building /farming game. See for example the GAP nerf. And the lack of way to get deed books, imperial deeds, doom scrolls etc. If anything I’d be they regret having potions available at all in Tue delve events and wish they could remove them so people spend two years slowly grinding hoard levels. This makes commercial sense - when people complete things they often lose interest. Make it impossible to complete some things and very hard to complete others and people keep playing and spending

@EricBLivingston if this gets approved, I will have 3 days of doing nothing. I appreciate if all your arguments are not exaggerated. Remember, all players will be affected. This game is more than 5 years old so a lot of players are almost done with the faction. I am a GoW supporter and in my first 2 years of playing I was not active in the forum. I regret to not have a voice/vote when players were requesting to nerf things left and right.

I would like to understand exactly what you mean by “nerf”.

Extending the one-day event to 3 effects you exactly how? If you still want to complete it in a day, then you can simply do so. Where is the problem?

The way I see it, allowing three days instead of one:

  1. Allows players that want to do it in 1 to continue to do so
  2. Allows players that don’t have time to do it in 1, to do it in 2 or three

And the downside to you is…?

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You can participate in the event. But I think you’re defining “event completion” differently from the developers and different from most of the rest of us.

You seem to view “event completion” as “complete the delve to Level 500 with a faction team”. (Most of) The rest of us are viewing “event completion” as “complete all eight prize portals”, something that can typically be done in an hour by a mid-to-endgame player and often (but not always) without purchasing anything from the Event Store.


Yes, I’m certainly talking about “completion” as fully completing the entire delve to level 500, including with a faction team. Basically “closing it out”. Obviously just getting the basic 8 rewards is easy and fast and I’m not discussing that at all.

Hard disagree on this point. I have 10s of thousands more chaos shards than I need because there’s only one thing I can do with them, and it seems pointless once I have 4x copies of each delve troop, but I never (well, rarely) have too many gems.

All of the “but it’s supposed to be super hard to complete” arguments seem to forget that each faction is released with a three day faction assault, which allows most end-gamers to complete it right out of the gate. Why would subsequent three-day assaults be game-breaking? The three-day version isn’t any less difficult than the one-day assault, unless you define difficulty as, “the ability to devote 4-6 hours to the game in a single day, rather than over three days.” I mean, what’s the point in that?

My hunch is that the assaults get three days initially to highlight new content and get only one-day events once they’re old news because they don’t want to highlight old content. But in this case, the (unintended?) consequence of this is that most people who were not around or were too low-level to complete a delve with potions on release are not able to complete a faction with potions after that point, because it requires that you do 400ish matches of increasing difficulty in a day.

I don’t think the devs are going to care enough to remedy this, to be honest – I think the answer is going to be, “well, it sucks to be you, I guess”, but I think this is a very reasonable feature request (especially as the Wednesday and Thursday events are trivial), and I don’t get the opposition from other players, aside from knee-jerk contrariness or a “I already got mine, but screw everyone else” attitude.


Here, you’re equivocating on “completion of a faction assault” versus “completion of a faction”. Obviously a completion of a faction assault (event) means “completing all of the reward tiers”, but if you ask any player what it means to complete a faction, they’re going to say 2500/2500 renown.

Lets not forget that extending the faction assault will enable more players to jump online and grab the faction related weapon. It’s crazy that the weapon is only available for one day.

Still in love and full support with any idea that makes game modes more accessible.

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I’m 100% for that his. I’ve completed a faction on a Tuesday and it was awful. I would never do it again but I plan on doing it for The Labyrinth because screw that .

I also I want to point out that newer players would’ve miss out on the 3 day faction assault on most of the delves now so this would be really good for them.


Followed this thread for a few days and can’t help thinking what a great idea this is both for players and can only increase revenue for the game.
My Tuesday routine is getting up and going to work just before reset, arriving home just in time for the school run and then coming home to prepare dinner. I then take my boy to football training arriving back just before 8pm, I finally am able to log on and do my daily tasks, catch up on the weekly event etc.
I’m a regular spender on this game but Tuesday’s faction passes me by each week, if it was 3 days I would be buying the necessary sigils quite often so therefore far more likely to be spending money on gem packs or offers. To me it makes absolute perfect sense from everyone’s point of view.


As someone who sacrificed many of Tuesdays to complete delves… I’d be a little bitter if they changed this.

I get that it is a pain in the ass, but it would not be fair to the ones that have put the time in on Tuesdays to complete delves.