Pet Rescues (drop rate change)/Pet rescues streaking (the bad kind of streaking)

We investigated the Whelp, which would mean that it is Intrim. My bad on confusing him as a guildie!

Point still stands though, that this screenshot is quite misleading. (Unfortunately even if you didn’t take it, you did share it, and were likely unaware of the full context.)


And the code is consistent between all guilds.


Cool, then we both were misled. :+1:
Still, according to your SS… Out of 24 pet rescues in a row…25% of them were whelp. Whether the devs think that’s good or not is not the point here.
This thread is a feature request to remove that kind of streakiness in a 24 hour period… That’s all…

@Grundulum - how do the odds look for 5 or more of any of the same pet in a single 24hr period when:
a) there are 54 pets (75 - 11 event pets - 10 underworld pets); and
b) only 17 pet rescues are triggered in the 24hr period.

Three or more of a single pet: 18%.
Four or more of a single pet: 1.2%.
Five or more: 0.06%.

So yes, the odds are low of 4+ in a single day. But how many days don’t you take screenshots to show how streaky things are? We’re conditioned to remember unusual events and forget the ones that don’t stand out. (And even the 5+ is about as likely as getting a legendary troop from a glory key.) (edit: dropped a zero in my typing, @Namour )

I don’t have the data or expertise to say whether what you saw is merely unlikely, or indicative that something is broken. That would come over many days’ worth of pet rescues, and I assume the devs do have both the data and the expertise to figure out whether something is wrong. Even if nothing is wrong, though, it may be worth acknowledging human biases to placate irritated players (by removing some of the naturally-occurring streakiness of a fair RNG).


Thanks. Appreciate the insights.

At no point did I claim that anything is broken with regard to Pet Rescues. Merely aired frustrations and requested that a rule be put in place to prevent recurrence of the same pet for the same guild within a 24hr period.

Again. Thanks for your stats.


I claimed it. (Cause I smelt it first) :joy:
The devs know it’s not broken because they can see the code. We don’t have access to that (nor should we). But the reason I replaced my beloved Maxima with a Lexus after 10+ years was because I got sick of people asking me “how the hek does that run”. Meaning… If it looks broken to your audience. Whether it actually is or isn’t is mute at that point.


Probability doesn’t stack. Every time you flip a coin the probability of the result is independent of the previous 100 flip results. It’s a very basic concept.

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This issue is only getting worse.
It’s really ruining the fun that pets first brought to the table.
I imagine this issue has nothing to do with activity.
So I really feel for the guilds that only generate 10 rescues a week. And yet still have repeats.

Yep, it sucks.
Same pet 3 times in 6 hours yesterday :crying_cat_face:

Would anyone feel bad if they couldn’t see the same pet without something like 5 other pets occurring before it? (Not counting Wednesday rescue pets)


Peace Pigeon
Weenie Wyvern
Toy Soldier
-Whelp can finally repeat again

Or a full pet cycle… Like the devs learned their lesson about the soul forge.
If I get a pet I need as a rescue. I’m more inclined to spend some gems to get the missing copies knowing it’ll be at least 70+ hours before I see it again.
Right now, I hesitate to spend gems because the streaks tell me there’s a good chance it’ll reappear again within 24 hours and I’ll feel like a dumbass for wasting gems on it.

Yeah, at least that would feel less disheartening than seeing the same pet several times in a few hours.

I am presuming that the devs probably have no pressing concern about pet occurrence frequency since there is a gem shop attached to the system though.

I actually don’t see streakiness as a problem. It has just as much chance of working in your favour as not.

That I would hate to see. I need 19 Griffling or 21 Toy Soldier to get another star for Sword’s Edge. If I got 2 a time it would take 10 cycles through all pets to mythic it. If my guild got a pet rescue every single hour it would take 3 weeks. If it did take a whole cycle with the amount of rescues my guild gets, the 24 hour Wednesday pet and the amount I miss when I’m sleeping it could take 6+ months just to mythic that Toy Soldier.

My guilds last 10 rescues has been Toy Soldier twice, Leafette twice, Urskine, Crabbie, Bright Beetle, Slimeball, Manticub and Shymera. My guilds never had the problem of seeing the same pet over and over again.

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Scratches head
Is it not a problem because you don’t have an issue with it? By your own admission you saw the same Pets more than once in a short duration.

If you don’t spend a single gem on the following pets.

I assure you under the current system it will still be 3 weeks before you get either pet to Mythic.

95% of the player base aren’t mathematicians with expertise in probability. When out of 10 rescues…3 are duplicate pets. It seems broken (even if it isn’t). And folks don’t enjoy playing a game if they think it’s broken. Specially if they are chasing after only a few unique pets.
But I made the case earlier on how the repeats hurt the devs more than help. Today in fact I wisely chose not to spend gems on Owlbunny prior to my post. A few hours after, we had Owlbunny again. Because I felt like the odds were in favor of a repeat and I saved gems because of it.
So they can take my suggestion or they can’t. Neither way works in my self interested… Other than I feel more players would enjoy the change. Happy players means more players means less Recruiting on my end. :man_shrugging:
90% of my suggestions on the forums are because I think it’ll help retention.
I got 99 problems but pets ain’t one

So if enough players think my idea would hurt more than help then so be it…the idea can go into the reject pile. I personally just want to know how I’m going to be able to get more copies of Lil’ freedom… My bad for not understanding the devs new super Exclusive mentality at the time of the first cosmetic pet.

If you ask me, I think that the Pet Gnomes got nerfed! I did not get any Green Gnome for at least 13 days now! Not a single one. My Guild only had none this week as well, and they are active, I assure you.
I kid you not! They nerfed the percentage of Pet Gnomes appearing, and it shows now.
I think that this happened 3 or 4 weeks ago, but this week just confirmed my suspicions.
Others agree with me about this.

Sorry old thread

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(still a current issue though. Lol)