Pet Rescues (drop rate change)/Pet rescues streaking (the bad kind of streaking)

Dodges through crowd of haters to innocently whisper
“We get more than 75 pet rescues a week”.
Tries to quickly shield himself from all the bragger back lash such facts summon.


Doesn’t quite work out, the 30 players within the same guild may not have the same weekly pet history. Besides, maintaining such a pet history is probably something the devs will want to avoid, takes up extra storage effort. A way around that might be to not make pets random at all, instead rotate through pets on an hourly granularity, triggering a rescue activates the pet that’s currently scheduled. Needs some padding at the end of each cycle to ensure that the same pet is available at different hours (e.g. when close to 96 exist).


If pet rescues had a guild-based cycle like mythics and legendaries in the Soul Forge, it wouldn’t take up so much additional memory. Once a guild has exhausted all pet rescues from the list, all pet rescues become available again.

But then you’d have a lot of meta-gaming, players shuffling between guilds because they want to catch that one known pet remaining in the guild pool.

If people are going to organize that level of communication and movement between guilds, more power to ’em.


That same irrational fear was preached prior to pets even being released. It was never an issue. And having all your pets to Mythic probably hurts more than it helps.
As in…

Does this factor into my PvP score? :thinking:
It certainly increases my stats for certain teams like a fully trees class would.
I about :poop: my britches yesterday when I got 48 points for a match… After I got to tier 1 of course… Then I quickly felt depressed… considering how sad is it when 48 points (what 2 trophies used to be for me) is a high score now.

Pet rescue (IMO) has and always will be rubbish. It’s a Kingdom staller and nothing more. I have 2 at mythic because I avoid them. 8 fights for 1 pet almost every time. My kingdoms aren’t worth the effort of the pet sideshow.

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I’d just like to point out that our pet rescue streakiness isn’t as bad as @awryan has led us to believe with their guildmates screenshot. We investigated this as it looked unusual, and found that several other pets were found in between the Whelps encountered.


I think it’s less about whether they were all in a row, and more about whether it seems odd that the same pet appeared so many times when there are like fifty others that could have shown up…

It’s not that odd when you look at it more holistically, and streakiness does happen. As I said, we investigated as it looked unusual, and found that there was nothing wrong.


Gnomes are incredibly streaky, they may average out over time but you should not constantly get two or three in short succession.

That’s… not how probability works.

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Here’s a blast from the past.


Yeah it is, and it’s called standard deviation.

Brought to you by the letter “P”


It is not about them being the only pets, nor are we saying that the results lay outside the realm of random probability. I was just showing how often the same pets are appearing. Again, we have had three Peace Pigeons and two Penguins in the last 24hrs.

There are plenty of pets, so why not implement logic to prevent the same pet coming up in 24 consecutive hours.

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To be clear: I am all for some sort of gating on pet rescue repeats. That said,


How many people do you need to have in a room before there’s a 50% chance that two of them have a shared birthday? There are 365 days in a year (discounting leap day birthdays), so you’d expect the number to be pretty big, right? Nope. It’s 23. It doesn’t matter which birthday the two people share, so the odds change dramatically.

Likewise, assume there are 40 pets that appear with equal probability: 2.5% chance each, whenever there is a pet rescue triggers. Let’s also assume that your guild triggers 24 pet rescues a day. What are the odds you will see four or more repeats of a specific pet in a 24-hour period? Just 0.28%. However, there are 40 different pets in our hypothetical scenario, so multiply by 40 for the odds of seeing any pet four or more times. That gets you 11%, or one out of every nine days. The odds that you will see a pet 3 or more times are a whopping 84%. Five out of six days will have a single pet show up three or more times during that 24-hour period. Probability is weird.


But you also had no Peace Pigeons or Penguins in the previous 70 pet rescues over the last week.


Did anyone suggest that wasn’t the case?

Yeah, CliffyA seems to be conflating appearance rate with clustering. Over long periods, pets might show up at the right frequency, but in the short term there can still be a feast-or-famine aspect to the distribution (and go ask California how they feel about oscillating between record droughts and record rainfalls).

I am not saying that’s what is happening here; I don’t have access to the data (mine or others’) to evaluate that claim. I’m solely pointing out the difference between what CliffyA was referring to and what others were talking about.

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He’s not my Guild mate though…
So did you look at my guild or Intrim?