Perfect Guild War Day

If you have a player going back and forth Artur its a sister guild. You may not think its a sister guild but everyone else knows its a sister guild. Everyone with anything between their ears knows its a sister guild.

Lol the fact 1 member coming from that place doesn’t mean it’s a sister guild. If that the case every team are sister guild

This is the most stupid thing i ever read

Truxton when he loses his head explodes. Someone should notify him that this is only a game. Several in his guild accused us of cheating so the devs had to take time out of their day to investigate and they found no cheating. If the devs started giving guilds a penalty for false accusations they would knock this crap off. They either win every week or there goes the name calling.

Soul collector is not Thieves sister guild, never was and never will be. I cant remember fights from ranks 5 to 2 but they have often the same guy as Paragon and he set up this defense against Thieves: Gorgotha, Soul dragon, Famine (or Khorvash dont remember), Queen Mab. Not really very friendly defense eh? (all fights between Souls and Thieves can certainly be checked by the devs, I have absolutely no prob with that) Lets see if the same will be said between U and U2…

Again i don’t recall anyone of us saying you did cheat, can you please quote the post?

Can certainly show proof of that off-site. The thieves member in question was an embarrassment to your guild.

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Again… anyone that thinks I will roll over for U1 is 100% wrong. I will put my best defense on that day and gl to them. I play to win… no matter who it is. I will be the first to call BS if I see any sign of foul play from either guild. Done with this silliness…


Ok so if you talking about the guy we decided to let go after one week? Lol feel free to believe what he said but i can confirm you that’s bs :slight_smile:

Then why post the nonsense…Truxton needs to grow up. We are not on here yelling and screaming when you win so we would like the same in return. Tired of all this stupid drama to be honest with you. In reality if you cheat you cheat! I will still go about my day and still drink the same coffee and eat the same food. Last time I’m going to comment on this silly issue he is making up in his head.

Yeah i agree this is going a little too far for a game lol anyway i must say your guy made me laugh when he said he could now check “beat thieves” in his bucket list :wink:

It was ME.
I sent a PM to Cyrup asking her to check the defense teams the Unforgiven Paragon had set. If it was ‘4 peasants’ or something on Day X then that would be suspicious. Scoring about 100k over your previous record was a bit suspicious, especially after the breakdown Rob had in Xbox GC over previously and falsely claiming to win a GW one week.
But somehow my PM got made public. I don’t think it was me, but I was drunk. Pretty sure it was Cyrup that messaged Rob.

And since no wrong doing was determined can we just move on? This has become silly and petty. Let’s finish this with a Gratz to GoT for the win streak and one to Unforgiven for being the only one to break it. Sure everyone is sick of the childish name calling and accusations. I know I am…


Thats a clear statement and very reassuring words, that I must admit.
But its still only words… Im a guy who has a tendency to only believe what I see, so I will believe you only when I will be able to see the full detailed defense teams used by all 30 members of both U and U2 when they will face eachother and their respective total score on this day. :wink:

Please, take no offense in what I just wrote. Im just trying to explain how my mind work with my limited english.

I wish a good GW week to any players reading these lines.

OK, time for the Alcohol to do some talking. Danger Will Robinson!, this is PC/Mobile! That’s why I drink Robot…
Sometimes… A playah gots to do what a playah gots to do…

Is that an Xbox record?

Or is Consecutive weeks of Thieves winning the 1500 gems?
Or the win streak of Thieves winning daily PVP? We’ve lost ONE PVP DAY since the start, and it wasn’t to Rob LOL

The only thing that hurts is the devs ignoring consoles players.

Check and mate, Mate.

Surprised alcohol is permitted in schools.

Only 28 made it to me and 7 of those lost to me. Have pics and will post in club later. So much for us helping them. GoT won by 4K points so… your welcome…

Thank you for your sportsmanlike (if its the good word in english). :+1:
I still wish that we could not see the names of the guilds we will face during the week while setting up the 6 defenses on Monday. No more suspicions between guilds with that system.

Nice fight it was reallly close!

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That is an excellent idea. Hope you have suggested that’s to the devs. Wouldn’t make a difference about def teams. We only need to know color. Don’t need opponents name until day of battle. Hope they listen to your suggestion so this will never be suspect again.