Owl Be Back (Weekly Event)

That’s not true. If you lose the match you get none. The difference with invasion is that when you lose the match you’re unaware that you may have gotten sigils from it. For me this makes it less frustrating than raids. I would much rather not know i could have gotten sigils from that fight than get all happy because i know this fight is the one that can give me a few more freebies only to be taken out by cascading skulls and one shots by the boss. What i don’t know isn’t hurting me.


I would still prefer that they made it consistent between the modes.

(Ironic given that I don’t want the modes to be so similar but I digress…)

The issue is: in Raids the Valraven is just substituting for a random minion, whereas in Invasion its (usually) taking away one of the Towers.

Is taking away a Tower so bad?

Yeah, would make the towers a lot easier only dealing with 3 strong towers instead of 4.

Although, I guess I should be in favor of anything that makes it easier for the player…

Having a Valraven take over a tower could be a downside too, it’d be easy for the Valraven not to be colorblocked and subsequently escape, thereby losing the occasional 2 free Sigils that we currently get just for playing normally.


This highlights the dilemma the developers face. If they leave the system as it is right now, people will complain about facing four difficult towers. If they change it so valravens can take the place of towers, people will complain about missing out on sigils that were formerly handed out for free. You can’t please everyone all the time, but you can be sure that people who aren’t pleased will let you (and everyone else) know about it!


Bunnies, bunnies everywhere.

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@mitamata and @Jainus I got pinged about this on social as well. Looking into the things. (But it’s a public holiday so peeps won’t be back in office for a while.)