But as you can see, the Valraven in first slot is Silenced after just one cast. So he applied Stun first and then Silence which is not what the spell description says it would do.
Odd, but consistent with DRACOS 1337 (“Silence, Stun, and drain [M+1] Mana from an enemy…”) who also inflicts Stun before Silence and therefore ignores traits like Alert (High Ancestry, etc).
Other Troops that may or may not be affected:
Sand Cobra (Poison + Disease + Stun)
Ulfr Huntsmaster (Hunter’s Mark + Stun)
Arguably the functional behavior is desirable, but yes there is a general assumption that spell effects should be phrased in the same order as applied.
Its one of many troops incorrectly described in the order that things happen spellwise. The whole lot could be fixed in a matter of hours but remain unaddressed with every update.
It’s especially noticeable with Essence of Evil (and Trick or Treat) because the tooltip of “All Status Effects” STILL says “Impervious troops will only be Cursed” when the behavior was explicitly changed to apply Curse first (thus bypassing Impervious entirely).
It’s also hard to define “simultaneous” on a technical level, i.e. if one effect changes based on the outcome of another (such as in this case Silence bypassing Alert via Stun) then by definition this is NOT “simultaneous”.
The only logical definition of “simultaneous” I can think of is similar to the definition of “concurrency” used in databases and “commutative” in mathematics: the end result is the same regardless of the actual order applied. Meaning each effect is processed on a separate (internal) copy of the target data, obliviously to other effects, and the results are combined. The difficult part is how that final step can be … complicated.