Hero Level: 367
Kingdoms: All level 10
Weekly gold: ~300k
Weekly seals: ~700 seals 27 hours before reset normally, ~1700 on mythic weeks.
Weekly trophies: ~150
Invite code: AGENTRONIN316
I just started working a second job two weeks ago, and simply do not have the time to keep up with my current guild’s requirements during this transition time (hoping new job will offer full-time soon-ish so I can quit old job.)
Player Lvl: 137
19 Kingdoms at max lvl, other lvl7 up, working on that, since i had to donate much in my prev guild
200k, 300k, if the guild needs more obviously i will donate more
The 1500 seals i make in the 1st day straight, you can check that if i get in
Will the traitstones farming lately i have been around 500 to 750, but once i finish farming what i need to complete the main deck i will get the rest on the reward chest and focus only in pvp.
Thank you for your interest. Sadly we just filled the open spot for now. If you are interested in joining us anyway, keep an eye on this tread to know when we are recruiting again
Hey I’m looking for a new guild with active members as the one I’m in only has a few people who even play, let alone contribute
I am 211
VIP level 3
All my kingdom at at level 10 but I haven’t yet completed all the quests and haven’t done any of the challenges yet. I usually get to PVP tier 1 first (by Tuesday usually) then work on the quests for the rest of the week
I usually get 1000-1100 seals, 130 trophies and contribute around 150K to guild tasks but I feel like I would probably do more if I was in a guild where everyone was pitching in.
Hero level: 167
Seals:1500 (usually before weekends, never missed a single seal)
Trophies: ~250-300
Kingdoms: I’ve got 1 lvl 10, the rest is half lvl 5 half lvl 6s and 7s.
Gold: 150k works for me for now, as i’m leveling kingdoms. It’ll rise eventually
invite code: REDDEMON 2
The minimum req is there so that people can have their lives and don’t have to think of this game as a chore, that’s why the req is so low (for a top50 guild). That said, pretty much everyone is doing more or much more than the minimum regularly, so we aren’t looking for someone who will be doing the very minimum week after week (and then once in a while not even that).
Yes, I did post with a few different guilds looking for a new home, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t specifically handpick yours after carefully reading the first post. There were lots and lots and lots of adds. Either way, I’ve found a great new spot for myself and I wish you the very best of luck
That comment wasn’t directed at you
I saw you already posted in a different thread that you found a guild, so we assumed that you weren’t interested anymore. Also thank you and good luck to you too!
I am level 520.
All of my kingdoms are level 10.
My average weekly contribution for my previous guild was 350k+
Let’s see…for seals I usually get ~600 - 650 in the first 24 hours (PvPing to tier 1), and for my last guild, 800 was the requirement so ~150 - 250 would trickle in over the course of the rest of the week. Though for Mythic weeks, I will definitely try and get to 1300+ over the course of the week.
Weekly trophy count average is ~100. Sometimes more.
If you do accept me, my invite code is ‘AZAZELL ZYMMER’
Additionally I would like to know what I would be required to do for the rest of this week, if accepted.