[Not a Bug] "This Fox Rocks" event not working as announced

The real question is how many more WE’s are going to be using this anti-fun mechanic? As mentioned in an earlier post if this makes all future WE’s t4 it is such an anti player move. Maybe the plan is to get us to use all the gems prior to the new kingdom and ‘extra’ vault event!


If by this you mean “not communicated whatsoever”, you’ve hit the jackpot. Congratulations on predictable outcome!

Does this mean that henceforth all world events (well, maybe except ones that say “defeat X four times and then face Y”) simply become more expensive? Much clearer (with as much elaboration as possible) and to-the-point answer would be appreciated. And you do understand that this, as others have already mentioned, hurts non-endgame players most, don’t you? Maybe some light could be shed on why do you hate and despise them so much?

And what about this issue?
1.18x average score is bad enough, we do not need random battles as well. In events with fixed scoring, if payer A and player B both buy the same tier and follow the optimal path, they both should end up with identical score, period.
If you don’t like ties on the leaderboard, come up with some metric that only affects leaderboard position but does not influences individual player score whatsoever. Your salary is not determined by RNG, you bills are not determined by RNG, the money you pay for you milk and cereal in the store in not determined by RNG, the amount of candy you get in the box is not determined by RNG, and neither should optimal points available for X event tiers bought.


Well, I can kind of understand minor fluctuations as tie breakers. Handing out entirely different battles just begs for further complications, e.g. due to interactions with campaign tasks. Bound to be “fun” hunting the Mythic Troop Of The Week several times when it may or may not show up for you personally in the event.


Teir 4 all sigils done through thursday still no Inari battle. Thankfully after all the recent events I already said to myself they arent seeing any more of my money on campaign passes and such until they quit breaking things on almost a nearly weekly basis. They took this game from one I loved playing to one I only love seeing what they mess up next and what the community gets told is “intended” in the span of just a couple of months. This game has turned into a meme to me at this point and its a shame as it was loved by so many people


Please understand that sometimes giving only the answer is not good enough and we want a “show your work” answer, in this case a corrected answer of how the event is supposed to work. Like with my speculation here:

And note the official phrasing for this event was almost identical to the Werebat event during the Moon Flask Campaign, but did that draw the same complaints? e.g:

And there’s still the report of users getting different battles from each other in situations where they expect the RNG to be seeded the same (as is typical of events). Which is distinct from simply not describing the event correctly in the official post.



Thank you for your questions and continued discussion on this. I’m chasing up with the team to see what more information I can get about the changes they made for this event and clarity on its design.

Once I get any new information I’ll be sure to share it here!

OminousGMan - Support Human :male_detective:


Just for the record, I got Inari battle exactly at battle 41. I’ll keep tracking for the next one. (PS4)

Good thing I don’t aim for the leaderboards anymore. Event shop is starting to feel like buying raffle tickets, if people get different fights even if they walk the same path. But as my momma always said, gow is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get…


Hey everyone,

I received some further information from the dev team about how the changes for the appearance for the rare Inari battle are designed to work.

The Inari battle is designed to only appear in one place on the battle map, this is located in the center of the map around the base of the mountains. Let’s refer to that spot as the INARI LOCATION, and the desired battle as the INARI BATTLE… you’ll see why we’ve split that into two in a moment.

In order to proc the battle there some things need to happen:

STEP 1: You fight that battle at the INARI LOCATION (whether it’s the INARI BATTLE or not) OR fight any other battle if the battle at the INARI LOCATION has not spawned. This gives the INARI LOCATION a chance to spawn. Spawn chance in both of these cases is 50% (this is consistent with other rare battle events we’re run)

STEP 2: When the INARI LOCATION spawns a battle it will pick from all 6 available battles, giving the INARI BATTLE a 16.7% chance of spawning. (this is different to how we’ve done rare battles in the past, where this step was 100%)

So the chance of spawning both the INARI LOCATION & INARI BATTLE are 8.3%

This change was made as an experiment to try something different with how this event plays out - we wanted the Inari to feel really rare. This is in no way a permanent change as the devs have told me they are planning to experiment with other gameplay ideas for world events to test ideas.

Please note: the week’s scoring has taken into account that Inari is a much rarer battle… the event should (on average) require the same number of battles to be played as any other weekly event to reach the goals (not saying it will be the same for everybody, obviously, as there is some RNG involved).

In future, we’ll make sure to clearly outline if any experimental changes have been made to world events and how these changes affect it. If any permanent change is implemented we’ll make sure to communicate it through an official thread post or on patch notes if the changes come through on an update.

I want to thank you all for your patience while I was trying to get what information I could from the development team to share with you all.

I have collected all the feedback you’ve provided about this experimental change and passed it on to the devs.

OminousGMan - Support Human :male_detective:


Did not read in detail but if you say that there should be about 9% chance every battle that it would be an Inari battle, sorry but I don’t believe this. There had been many players (including myself) not seeing a single Inari after 40 battles, which is probabilstically possible but super unlikely.

You mentioned that the dev team is experimenting to make rare battles rarer. Well guess what, extend our congrats to them; they made it! It is so rare such that majority of players won’t see it anymore.


Well, that’s clearly not true (if I was not so exhausted with half-truths and false information provided recently, I’d give you the benefit of the doubt that theory was good but practice didn’t turn out to match it, but in all honesty, the recent track record is BAD)

T4 is more battles than T1-T2, many more! And that assumes a 30-people guild, all active, all playing, all able to catch every raven and win every battle offered by Sunday.

I’m a GM of a guild which is friendly to new players - including those starting out at level 20. Which means they can’t win 80-90 battles in WE, they don’t have the troops, they don’t have the stats for that, the difficulty spike is too big. Last two weeks we managed to get to rewards 9-10 in most events thanks to a few more senior players in the guild. This week, even with the help of more senior players, I’m worried that reward 8 is out of reach. That’s NOT the same number of battles, that’s not the same scoring. The info is wrong.


“This change was made to make players spend more gems to complete the event.”

Corrected that for you :wink:


This is simply not true. The dev team are lying if this is what they told you.


@OminousGMan thank you for the detailed information and chasing that up – it’s much appreciated.

I think this part still hasn’t quite been answered. For the past couple of years, the weekly World Event has had the same sequence of available battles for all players so that it WILL in fact be the same for everybody (if they select the same battle). Yes, RNG, but the same RNG – aside from the x1.18 on average point variations.

It seems we have both (1) a new /experimental mechanic – thank you again for the explanation, it sounds interesting (although there still seem to be some doubts about the intended vs actual frequency) – and (2) a change to the mirroring of available battles for all players.

Regardless, I look forward to the updates on any changes moving forward, whether in the weekly World Event post or a separate announcement.

Edit: It seems like at least part of the variations in available battles could be attributed to some players not choosing the secret ‘Inari location’ if occupied by another battle and therefore never triggering Inari. Perhaps the other battles that are shown and appear are the same.

Well, after being told that Inari is only capable of being found in one location, I finally found her. Not having this info posted in game for all players is wrong.


The other concern ( if you ignore the validity of it being. T4 event) is why are rewards not scaled. If current rewards are equivalent to a T2 buy then if you need a full guild t4 to complete you should be getting significantly more rewards than a T2 of ne.


This doesn’t match what players are experiencing, some are going well over 100 battles without ever encountering Inari. No, this isn’t “bad luck”, going by your numbers the chance for not finding Inari in 128 battles should be 0.0015%. Please have this checked again, the Inari encounter is showing up FAR less than you claim it should. This should be trivial to verify by just doing a few test runs.

Usual buy-in is tier 1 - 2. This week buy-in is AT LEAST tier 4, possibly higher. Due to Inari showing up much less than you took into account when setting the reward thresholds. Tier 3 is 150 gems, tier 4 is 250 gems, that’s 400 extra gems, and that’s even just an optimistic estimation.

I guess nothing will happen until the event is over. With your permission I’ll write a community guide on how to request a refund from support for the unintended extra shop tiers.


Success then!

I’m at zero inari battles, and given the obscure (arguably shady) approach to unfair battle appearances, I will continue to be at zero ad infinitum since I do not run randomly around different battle spots to look for a hidden lucky spot…

:blush: :person_facepalming: :vulcan_salute:


102 battles and no Inari so far. Only one spot on the map to seek? Happy to know it now. I can pass the event without selecting this point at all. Good job.


Sad state of affairs :disappointed:. My biggest question is why did it take this long to disclose this with your player base? I am sorry, but with this information being withheld until Friday before making it known the real “experiment” that I see here is seeing just how many more gems on average that you can exhaust from your players. I don’t know how you expect for us to view it any other way…