No heroism scroll in tower of doom

Only on floor 20 so far but same no heroism, and only 1 luck. I guess it all evens itself out in the end, last ToD event I went to floor 50, and scored 4 heroism and 5 luck (if my memory serves me correctly).

We got our first heroism scroll at floor 30 for killing the boss room. Thanksā€¦ I guess :joy:

1 heroism scroll on first 26th floor. Seems low

No heroism for us so far, we are at floor 60.

Intrim 5 got ours on floor 5 this week :open_mouth:

This time, we got a Heroism Scroll on Floor 1 and Floor 4. Last time, it took forever to get 1. Not impressed.

We got one on 38 I think.

This all seems terribly unbalanced. There is no way any ā€œcompetitionā€ can be considered fair if guilds receive such different numbers of heroism scrolls. I got 7 this event, while some got none at allā€¦ :frowning:

As far as leaderboards are concerned, Heroism scrolls arenā€™t the ones that make a big difference itā€™s the luck scrolls. Heroism is like getting a bonus sigil but a luck scroll is like getting 3. If any scrolls should be evenly and fairly distributed for all guilds it should be the luck scrolls.

But as already said none of the scrolls really matter. The guild willing to spend the most gems wins, simple as that. May as well just base the leaderboard on gems spent rather than dooms killed. :rofl:


Thatā€™s essentially true for all events except guild warsā€¦ The problem here is that the rewards for winning all events except guild wars really donā€™t justify spending a lot of gems on it. These competitions are basically all for bragging rightsā€¦


Yes Iā€™m happy to be in the best guild on Xbox where an investment of only 140 gems wins us 1500 gems every GW. ToD on the other hand has some guilds investing 1000ā€™s in order to win 500? I donā€™t get it but to each their own I guess.

They already are. They are like Valravens in this regard. They are distributed equally one room every 5 floors or so.
We didnā€™t get a heroism scroll until floor 35. Weā€™re currently #1 on PC/mobile. That could change before reset. But so far youā€™re correct.

To bring this up again.
They said in the latest patch notes:

Tower of Doom will now give out Fireball + Heroism scrolls consistently across all guilds

How is everybody doing with those scrolls? So far weā€™ve done 25 floors with 1 heroism and 4 fireball (2 of which were floor 24).

If there were a limit to the number of sigils each guild had to use for the event than I would agree to all the whining. But the fact of the matter is that it is just another pay to win event. Sigils are irrelevant when you can just buy more. Cap the number of sigils a guild can use and make this a skill based event and I will whine with you all.

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We got the same numbers of each, but apparently not in the same places.

Ours are looking good! Weā€™ve got 4 Heroism and 4 Fireball scrolls from the first 25 floors, all pretty evenly spread out ā€“ so I was assuming it had been fixed as mentioned.

If thereā€™s as much disparity as 3 Heroism scrolls, itā€™s a little disheartening ā€“ but maybe they give more to lower Ranked Guilds? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Unlikely, really, since thatā€™s prone to being gamed.

definitely not fixed
tacets guild has 5 heroism from the first 18 floors
my guild has 2 from the first 25


2 Heroism in the first 25 floors here too :frowning_face:

Itā€™s RNG basedā€¦ So if our guild didnā€™t get to 50 floors then weā€™d be franked. But since we do. You can see the streaks.
Shocking that Tacet gets favorable luck RNG though. That definitely never happens to the biggest streamer of GoW.
Floors 1-66 weā€™ve had 8 Heroism scrolls.
Which is a 400% improvement from the last ToD.


maybe the devs tried to fix it but they set the interval to be to high, for example 10 heroism every 100 floors. rng can still screw you or work in your favor unless you clear all 100 floors.
instead, it should be 1 heroism every 10 floors. that way rng will be consistent for every guild