Next Big Step....REAL Online Pvs.P

Guilty by association? The internet subcultures bleed into each other. You shouldn’t make such assumptions. By that logic, I’m also a Nazi because I’ve said “hail” before.


Real online Pvs.P. Omg. Lol.


I wasn’t hating dude lol

Remember, as @Robert said before, you are being tested :wink:

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Pick the red pill

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How many tests is he going to be given? I think up until now…-counts on hand- he’s failed every one.

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Lots of people won’t be interested in the game if it’s just player vs. AI. that’s a big enough incentive to add that as an option. The current ranked system just rewards playing the most.

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Real time PVP in an otherwise asynchronous game mechanic (aka alternating turns) amplifies the possible issues in this game to an unneeded degree.

For one, the awesome folks that make this game are already having issues keeping up with performance demand when it comes to scaling hardware, software, and databases. Adding real-time PVP would tax those resources exponentially and simultaneously increase the players’ sensitivity to those problems.

This isn’t a game that lends itself to head-to-head. I would argue that they could improve the AI and say it’s real PVP and many people would never know the difference. That’s proof enough that the benefits to real-time PVP are too small to justify the cost.

The bottom line is that for Devs, this game is a business. Adding real-time PVP would take up resources that could be otherwise allocated to new and refreshing content instead. That new content attracts many, many more people to this game than a real-time version of the already existing PVP mini-game. They’d be cutting off their nose to spite their face.

So with all that said, are you willing to PAY for real-time PVP? Because that’s what it will likely take.


Not to mention PVP will still perform much like matches do now. There will still be luck involved. It’s not like Magic the Gathering where players literally have control over everything.

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Magic still has an element of luck in the draw. A weaker deck can beat a stronger deck when the latter is starved for lands, for example.


Well that’s actually true, but you can still weight the deck to have a better chance at lands. Here you are pretty much at the mercy of what gems fall. It’s still computer generated.

You don’t get to pick your set number of gems for instance. Or color for that matter.

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I am dissappointed. He was my chosen one, I kneel before you and lay down my sword.

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Never going to happen, and should not ever happen. Think I want to sit across from a player who is looping one troop into another endlessly?

leave it alone.


I don’t think this argument is enough…
We saw it with PVP vs Casual: one can provide 3 trophies/fight so is there someone playing Casual mode anymore?
It could be the same with actual PVP vs. Real PVP… Just imagine that double trophies are given with Real PVP… If you want to be competitive you will have to play Real PVP.
So yeah, devs can leave the actual PVP but depending how they balance the rewards, it can become an outdated feature…

If you really want to improve AI, you can look at deep learning methods: this method gave some good results with the Go game.

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Well, my point is that I am uninterested in live PvP, and one of three things will happen:

  1. The reward structure will treat live PvP and async PvP as separate (different trophies, for example) and I can safely ignore the new mode of play.
  2. The new PvP will have objectively worse rewards, and nothing much will change (except wasted dev time).
  3. The new PvP will obsolete the async PvP, and I’ll find another game to play.

As for “learning” AI, sure, but they wouldn’t have to go nearly that far to provide a much more difficult challenge.


most important thing is the damn timer, and i don’t want to wait 10-15 sec between every move it will be really boring, but if they keep the old pvp mode i will just not play the new pvp mode for this reason

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Local ‘hotseat’ type pvp could work but I’d never play it over the net due to way some people play. Making you wait etc. I also use a lot of looping troops like giant spider /Green seer /alchemist.
The other team sometimes don’t get one single turn in a match that could last 15 minutes. That’s not fun for the other guy. How many would quit before the end of the battle, denying your victory goodies?