New Kingdom - Urskaya

Another thing I expected was to see some Yetis in Urskayas questline :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe it was some, but I do not remember.

EK is a powerhouse tho. :slight_smile:

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Got this from a Void Portal. I have both Death and Elemaugrim fully traited but the traits aren’t working

Got it again with Death

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Isn’t storage related I believe lol.

Opened a support ticket about it last night though so hopefully I can work it out with their help.

Troop Dungeon… Interesting :slight_smile: .

Can we have the old art as alternative? Even with a dollar package (like here)?

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Don’t know if it was mentioned yet, but I unlocked both new weapons but they aren’t in my inventory…will they be added at Monday reset?

Any chance for console release in July? Or I can spend my keys for Summer Imp?

Got the card, the weapon is not in my inventory?

How many others in the same boat.
I am using PC version.

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I had the same issue with the enemy Goblin King summoning Nobend Brothers.
I thought I screenshot it but I can’t find it anywhere :frowning:

@Saltypatra Would it be possible to update the troops in arena? Not only are the troops of the new kingdom missing there, but also the roops from Suncrest and all the troops that have been released these last few months.


Since it’s been out a few days, what’s the verdict on the new kingdom and troops?
Will we ever get a plus 2 green minus one plus one banner?

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I feel the Kingdom is weak overall. I don’t really see any nice synergies with the troops. Two of the troops give negative status effects on your own team. Baba Yaga looks like the troop with most potential out of all of them (in Guild Wars, mostly). Orc is arguably better than the new Enrage troops.


today the hammer weapon finally showed up in my inventory but the crown weapon i still never got :cry:

Regarding the summoning/empty frame bug, we have a fix coming out for it later today.


The Crown weapon is from the new kingdom storyline. Did you not get one?

yep finished story line it said i got it but it never showed up in inventory to use.

We are looking into the issues concerning the weapons now. :slight_smile:

broken summons first please?

Already on that.