New Kingdom - Shentang

If you say so. Still no Shentang in Glory and Guild, however.

I’m not bothering wasting my resources for a few more troops until we get the Shentang event and I can target troops with event keys. Except for gold keys. The rest can wait:wink:


just wait. maybe a couple of month. i only got a few shentang troops today after using too much keys to my taste. i got way too much bulette, swordmaster and succubus from glory chest. i don’t remember getting that much swordmaster when silverglade was first released.

And the next week, I assume, will be the week of Shentang?

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I liked it better with the new Kingdom out Monday.

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Just finish all the quest and get all troops below Legandary. Waiting to get 2 of them from event keys will be the best choice. That week we will also get panda with Arcane Blood glory pack!

For a bit of a spoiler side for those who don’t finish the quest yet, I really like this new kingdom. So many Chinese lore references are thrown in there by using exist troops. Penglong is very wise and insightful. So many Sunbird though. Zhenniao is a bit too shy, hiding its face behind the shield like that! lol Demon appearances startle me a bit, it’s so stand out for peaceful kingdom with beautiful elves. I think the Guild war guardians make their first appearance in the quest as well!

As for location, it ended up appears on the mountain with the fog on empty space on the west to clear out. Make sense though for flying elves being so close to Suncrest, maybe they’re related? Where are all those demon coming from though? Zhul’Kari?

Also, Thanks for the new content, Dev. I really enjoy it! It’s a great gift for Chinese’s New Year. I’m also of Chinese’s lineage myself! ^^


I wish we had more time to gather resources. I still don’t feel like we don’t get enough and the last nerf in rewards and LT’s really hit us hard. Or just MORE resources in general. With ALL the new things coming out, updates, kingdoms, troops, honestly I really think that we should be getting Just a littttttttle bit more resources don’t ya think?


Time is irrelevant in this matter, the amount of keys you would need to upgrade all troops from Shentang to Mythic (let’s say three months worth of keys), would be the same. It doesn’t matter if Shentang is released now or in three months EXCEPT that in three months we would have more troops inside the chests making it a little harder to target some cards, also having Shentang now provides at least some more variety for our gameplay.

You can relieve your mind of this particular worry. :slightly_smiling_face:


Shentang is just a transcendant Kingdom! :smiley:

See what I did there!?

Still one after the other? We barely had enough to find all in the kingdom!

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What everyone needs to realize is, this game is not a competition to collect them all.

Tough luck, I burnt 50 gem keys, 30 vip chests, 600 glory keys and 2000 gold keys to get 3 troops from Shentang.

Depressed? Yes but the next question that comes to my mind is how practical are they in my teams.

They will come to everyone eventually and most troops will be shelved as mythic trophies.

This might be open to debate.


If you think like that everything will suck forever, because there is always something new being added and we will always chase some troop or another. You can try to see the bright side on this: Each key you use from this point have a chance to give you some cards from Bright Forest or Shentang, and again, if you would need a interval of six or more months until you upgrade troops from both kingdoms it won’t matter if each one is released in three months or if they release both at the same time.

But for all that matters, that’s my take on the situation, you can ignore it and you are free to torture yourself with anything you want. Isn’t that wonderful? :slightly_smiling_face:


I like your trollish sound there :slight_smile:

Not so much trollish, but maybe i just got carried away with Penglong’s dialogue and way of thinking. :wink:

I think it’s the first dragon that actually seems wise, and makes the whole quest worth of reading despite our hero’s ridiculous participation. Or maybe it’s because the last quest we had,in Bright Forest, was helping princess Ethoras and that’s not a fair comparison… :stuck_out_tongue:


“Of course”
“I suppose”


I wonder when our hero will grow a backbone.

By the way you forgot “Really?”.

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The hero would find it very hard to post here:



So far, although the troops are interesting and beautiful (and a Panda!), I feel like most of them won’t cut it:
They are mostly build around growing: enchanting, increasing magic, etc.

In the current « quick, let’s explose stuff fast and steady », i don’t think they find spots in teams.
Unless the game eventually gets slower.

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Yeah, I do think Penglong’s dialogue was above the usual bar for this quest. The PC was still essentially a “next” button, but whatever. It’d be cool if we had dialogue trees and choices that affected the way the quest went.

Another good point is: if you’re upset because it seems like the game is becoming a treadmill… you sort of just figured out how F2P games work, but this isn’t all cynical. The alternative is a game with a real “end” and an intent to make 100% completion possible. You play those games, you finish, then you move on for the most part. Gems of War would like to be a game you’re still playing next year. To accomplish that requires always moving the “finished” bar so it’s tantalizingly within reach but hard to attain.

All in all it’s an OK kingdom, but I liked Bright Forest a little better. I think it’s a combination of “I had more keys hoarded up” and “Some of the artwork really worked for me.” Shentang’s still one of my favorite kingdoms, though, and I hope the future questlines are as thoughtful.