Talk-like-a-pirate-day may have passed, but that’s no reason not to give a hearty “YARRRRR!” for the arrival of Blackhawk.
Ever wondered what happened to Tyri’s father in Zhul’Kari? Or how Tyri and Marid could EVER be related? These questions and more will be answered as you search for treasure on the high seas!
With the release of Blackhawk, 6 new troops have been added to chests:
Ship’s Cannon (common)
Deck Hand (rare)
Pirate (rare)
Sharkey (ultra-rare)
Lil’ Johnny Bronze (epic)
The Kraken (legendary)
You may see a couple more pirate-y folk in the story - they’ll be arrrr-iving in our upcoming Blackhawk event!
Please note this Kingdom is currently only available for Steam, iOS and Android versions of the game.
Kraken’s third trait: is sorta working - no damage numbers appear when it triggers, but the enemy’s life / armour does go down… intended? it’s kinda confusing…
The Pirate Isles
The Pirate Kingdom of Blackhawk is the scourge of the western seas.
Banner: Kraken Banner (This banner gives +2 Brown, +1 Blue, and -1 Purple Mana when matching gems.)
Tribute: 200 Gold, 1 Glory, 4 Souls
At Level 10: +1 Attack
Killing the last enemy with the Tentacles trait causes the battle to hang. Can’t even access the gear to retreat or exit normally, only a force quit will work.