New Faction - Amanithrax

Boooo we need more epic ingots lol.

Thanks for thinking it through and the comp that will come


This to me sounds like we won’t have to submit tickets individually or not receive the compensation but I’d like confirmation on that, please. Will the compensation be mailed to everyone or will we need to all submit tickets?

To clarify, we will be mailing out compensation, you won’t need to contact our support.


Exactly how I thought it was going to be calculated :ok_hand: the ingots M ok with that

I should have just done the event over the weekend then.

Hopefully its not just “shards”, but everything effected by a lower treasure chest AND lower multiplier… Gold, Glory…Souls… etc

I mean, I’d glady take a refund of half my gems spent and skip all of the Delve loot.

You got all the Rewards you spent your Gems on so giving a Gem refund wouldn’t make sense :slight_smile:


Pretty sure it cost an extra tier than usual to unlock all stage rewards due to the lower points. Doesn’t affect those who went much higher of course but a lot of low lv players would have had to go the extra tier.


I must admit, that’s something I didnt think about going to 500 in the delve…


Please sit tight and wait until you see what you are getting. We have tried to be as generous as possible with the rewards.


I did tier 7, 3 times…ran out of sigils at 490. :roll_eyes:
Didn’t even waste my time using the last 2 sigils.
Can we ban minimum 5 stages to clear a delve Factions yet?
It felt like it took twice as long to get to 2500 because it pretty much did. And yet (summons a @Mithran) we probably got the same rewards as if it was only 3 stages. Bug or no bug… I feel like I should go to the police and file charges for being Faction Assaulted the past 3 days.

Quick update, our server side fix is out which means the final boss room rewards are correct. However, there is still a visual bug that shows them at 0%. We are working on it now and will keep you updated.


We got quite a different idea of what generous mean, 20k gold for 81 full delves run (according to the mail, 5,7 millions points total) arent really much imho (gold tbh is the only thing i cared about seen am not a pvp xxxxx and usually donate more than the guild reqs ;p).

However, seen i would have liked more no compensation at all than the same mail for everyone gotta say Thx and Well Done.

Ps: maybe is better if i add “everyone” = every account existing in gow before someone come again saying i wanna separate myself from the world sitting on my 12 km tall pedestal (and after than saying if “everyone” was gonna get the compensation was gonna quit the game ;P)

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That usually translates to “brace yourselves for some major disappointment”. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Compensation I got equated to

10 Shards per run
5 glory per run
250 gold per run
25 souls per run
almost .75 of an ingot per run (combo of mythic/legendary).

Interesting compensation, assuming you have a level 0 treasure hoard I guess :thinking:

I received no compensation for my 3 daily delves on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday in which I choose the new faction. I assume others that choose to run this faction as their “daily 3” in the underworld were not compensated either.

The amount of compensation that I did receive for the event is too low. I did every room on each floor and had a score of 2,432,662. These rewards really need to be re-evaluated, or perhaps a refund of gems buying into the event can be done. How do I open a ticket?

@micio we gave out a lot more than just gold!

I think in their calculations they only considered the +1 extra chest lv we should have received, but didn’t take into account the boss room mutiplier of 1.25 (or whatever it’s supposed to be)

I’m positive on average I usually made more shards than I did this time even with the extra 10 per lv.

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For those that are curious how the rewards vs score looks.

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