My thoughts on 2.1

You want to :tm: that ‘donation chicken’ @Lyya ? I’m sure that’s a solid idea for a new type of arena minigame.

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2.1 is good enough to bring me back to the game.

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People at my level, and level of commitment, probably aren’t meant to hit the cap every week, and that’s ok. But it’s not as trivial as you’re making it out to be. I’ve definitely spent more than 4 hours this week playing, and my total so far for the week is 543 seals. Monday and my climb to tier didn’t count, so that’s:

 1 Daily Login        * 15 =  15
14 PvP tiers          * 15 = 210
42 Ranked PvP Battles *  4 = 168
42 Battles Won        *  5 = 210

for a total of 603 seals I would have otherwise gotten but missed out on this first week. That would leave me with 354 seals to earn in the next three days, including today. I might make it on a regular week, particularly if I get luckier/better at Treasure Hunt, but there’s a good chance I won’t make it this week unless I really push for it and spend far more time on the game than I really should, or even want to.

My performance in Treasure Hunt’s been on a downwards spiral for the last month or so. I got 3 60+ turn games this week, out of maybe a dozen or so attempts. I don’t have any teams that can reliably beat W4 explore in any kind of reasonable time, it’s simply too much armor/health to grind through with my troops. Most of them have only been ascended a rarity or two, very few are traited, and while I do have all kingdoms at level 10, none of them are 5 stars.

Explore on Normal/Hard still gives 5 seals and takes less than half the time of a Warlord IV Explore.

I can do 10 Explores on Hard in about 20 minutes while being rather active in guild chat. Explore farming team I use is Valk, Devoted, Rowanne, Mercy. Mercy is the only one that needs to be fully traited, but Valk’s Water Link really helps. Also, Mercy takes Arcane Swamps, which are in glory packs this week. Add in a level up, and that’s about 180 seals/hour, while hunting for needed Arcanes and goofing off in chat.

Cast Mercy and Valk to get as many blues on the board as possible, then loop Devoted on blue until Rowanne has enough armor to win.

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You guys are playing PVP. As @agentronin316 said, do a few Explores. The seals rack up really fast.

I did several Explores and a couple of perfect Arena runs and hit the cap BEFORE I ever played a single PVP match.

Don’t forget that a perfect Arena run is worth 70 seals (40 from the matches, 30 from the run). I can imagine that being even more efficient than doing Treasure Hunts.

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We all tend to effectiveness, but if the difference isnt drastic, i’d say do what you like. New kingdom questline? Sure let me get Tyri out. Plenty of stashed maps an hour later and we’re good to go in TH. Which i find… soothing.

Don’t forget about 100 souls for doing the quest line in the new Kingdom, plus 10 each time you level.

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It’s been painful. No chance to use gems on anything else, which means the slim-to-none chance of getting a mythic gets stuck on “none”.

I wish the Task Bonuses had a more interesting risk reward.

By this I mean, I wish the statues started with bonuses, and then as completed the bonuses went away and we got stat penalties. At the same time, getting a better number of keys and resources, where your guild could keep completing cursed statues to get more loot, and at the same time weakening your PvP abilities.

Like, do you get angry when your guild mate completes statue level 15 for 25 gems keys, but a -4 health? Or level 16 for another 20 keys, but going to -8 health, etc. So that the diminishing returns were a play balancing affect and not just a cap.

The guardians would need new names, like “Strife”, “Discord”, “Contention” and “Hostility”. Guild management is hard enough as it is…


Welcome back! :grin:

Honestly I feel like top guild should change gold policy to something like 300k by day after reset then FFA on gold donations.

The current system just makes it an awkward dance.

I actually think about that like once or twice. But there’s a difference between helping my guild and helping some random small guild. In older system, I’d also get benefit by helping my guild through gold donation. In this system I wouldn’t get anything but satisfaction in helping people.

Now that a few days have passed since the update. Okay, nerf to the gains we used to get was going to happen regardless. It took long enough to happen - totally enjoyed the ride while it lasted.

What really bugs me, it nerfed the play time. Once We max the tasks and seals and gain some trophies and contribute 600k. That’s it.


There are still many reasons to play: Gold for Gold Keys, Glory for Weekly Troop Bundles, Trophies for your Guild Rank, Ranked PvP placement, grinding Arcanes or Souls to level up your next troop… And fun!


Absolutely. Explore is an especially good way to spend some spare time.

I’m actually loving that this update not only gives me extra turns for my treasure maps, but it actually makes doing them potentially quite beneficial to my guild, so I don’t have to feel bad about it if I feel like treasure hunting instead of doing endless PVP against whichever 2 or 3 teams are considered “meta” today. It makes me want to bust out Tyri and do some map grinding! :smiley:


Of course. There are a lot of things to do in game. Explore is endless. I’m still doing it, PvP too. But would you spend excess gold as result of those high activity you mention, says 2M, on gold chests just to get bunch of common and rare you already mythic-ed? Then disenchant them later to get souls you can easily get from battle? It’s also about incentive you get compare to time you spend.

A lot of the end-gamers want their commons at mythic, and are desperately in need of more minor traitstones, not only b/c they’re “completionists” but also b/c this gets people to 7* Kingdoms, which bring all kinds of benefits. Gold Keys give you both of those resources, and in spades. If they had larger than 50 chests at a time then it would be super helpful but, to answer your question, there is absolutely a good use for the “leftover” gold.

It’s like people have forgotten there’s more to the game than grinding PvP to get gold to put into tasks.