It just means the Gold economy is broken. Too much in’s, not enough out’s. If they honestly believe that they’ve got the out’s where they should be, then the most elegant solution is to nerf Gold payouts in PvP at the high end of the spectrum. Problem solved!
I’m sure that’s not a popular opinion, but anything they do with “mythic tasks” is just going to re-introduce inflation (i.e., re-break a system they just tried to fix).
The problem is that they have to balance the system for a group of people. If they base it on the most active players, as many/most F2P games do, then it creates an incredible grind for everyone else. If they base it on the average player, then it means the most active players accumulate resources that spiral out of control.
They opted for, what is in my opinion, the best solution: Tune it so it’s not based on the most active players, and thus attainable for many, while also putting a hard cap on it so there isn’t inflation at the top end.
That’s all well and good, but the most active players are also the most vocal, and running out of things to do sucks. Most carrot-on-stick games give those committed players things to grind for, even if they’re only cosmetic/vanity in nature.
I’m not suggesting that they need to base it on the most-active players, quite the opposite actually. The 1500 seals cap is too easy to hit even for the CASUAL player. I played very little yesterday and STILL hit the 1500 seal cap.
Either the cap needs to go up, or the seals per task needs to go down. It’s just too easy to get to 1500. If I had actually played as much as I normally do, I would have blown it out in a couple of hours.
Before 2.1 I would feel compelled to pvp for trophies and gold for guild tasks. Now, once I’ve met my personal goal (520k gold) I feel free to do explores instead. I don’t “need” the gold from pvp and can focus on explores to get minor red/green or arcanes to 7* the next kingdom on my list.
The forum regulars are >NOT< a typical cross-section of the player base. My phone alt’s guild is currently at rank 360 (PC/Mobile leaderboard), and NO ONE in her guild is going to hit the 1500 seal mark this week. And there are literally thousands of guilds below hers. The bar has to be set low enough so that it is possible for every player to obtain if they try hard, but doesn’t feel like a letdown if they play less. 1000 seals still gets them 50 guild keys, and that ain’t too bad.
I think you underestimate what it means to be a casual player. It requires about 100 battles/week to get the Seals you need. That’s roughly 300 trophies. That’s the min reqs on the top guilds in the game. My guess is that Tier 1 in PvP is too high a bar for the true “average player”, especially since at lower levels it can take 50-60 battles just to get to Tier 1.
Of course there is… Money. You aren’t restricted to get more resources; it’s just a soft cap. You are, however, restricted from getting them for “free” without having to play mini games with horrible returns on investment.
You are more than welcome to buy stuff… it just costs real money and not in-game currency…
I agree with the idea that rewards should be balanced a bit.
Should be getting more for the investment at the very higher levels, especially with souls. If they only touch the souls tree I’d be content.
Perhaps they should switch souls to another reward at higher ranks, in my opinion…so it gives some incentive to get past all the souls to get to the good stuff. Maybe put more glory keys in it or something new like random trait stones (that would be cool). Maybe the trait stones could be static and could be changed every week… or it could be completely random…maybe minor, major, runic, arcane… lots of potential. Would be really nice and make that section valuable.
I still think that they should move glory keys back to it’s appropriate tree (not brown), and instead increase the numbers you get throughout the tree, and add back some gold keys to the brown tree to replace it. Would be getting a bit more rewards, or could be rebalanced out a bit.
I just find it odd that they didn’t just tweak the numbers of the gold glory keys when they did that change. I liked the idea better when they had their designated sections.
Create a traitstone chest that gives purely traitstones of dif rarity and have that drop keys for it as the only way to get them.
And agreed about the gold keys. I was a bit disappointed when i seen how much they got nerfed for glory keys (total amount) cause of complaints on the forums.
No, I know what you meant. But, objectively speaking, bottlenecking your potential gains from your guild contributions adds to their bottom line if you aren’t content with what is being given for free.
Subjectively speaking, I don’t agree with the practice; I was simply explaining the logic behind it.
After hitting 5/12 tasks on all statues, I advised my guild (rank 300ish) to spend the rest of their gold on leveling their kingdoms because the guild task rewards aren’t worth it. So, for the second half of the week, we are getting zero guild rewards. What fun!