My first impression of Boss Raid

The event itself I love. It’s fun, it’s challenging, it’s unique. I don’t care that it’s somewhat gem-gated. My only complaint actually is that Guild War doesn’t run at the same time. I’m guessing maybe that decision was made so players didn’t have “too much to do,” and I can see the reasoning behind that, so it’s not a major concession.


If I had been patient, I would have learned that my suspicion was unfounded. Zuul’Goth’s minions do not resurrect at the start of the new day. I can continue throwing myself at the elder god without having to battle through the first ten battles!

I think I prefer the 5 fixed GW battles over this N+ raid battles.

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Doing the minion - “this seems a fun GW alternative”
First time killing the boss - “cool!, though it’s a bit easy”
After killing him >10 times - “zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz”

This event starts out ok but then it’s just really, really boring and I hope they either change it or scrap it. It’s just boring grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind. I’d love for our guild to get the next reward tier but I’m not sure I can personally face it.

The people ocd enough to get on the scoreboards have my sympathy.


it’s fun but i’d like to have a little more Transparency in Leaderboard : there’s an easy way to do that and relativate ptw aspect at least a bit : show “number of fights” and “win/loss ratio” as additional information as in pvp leaderboard !?l

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I just want to know how on earth they got the costs and rewards so out of kilter.

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Easily. Greed. Plain and simple greed.

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I bought all the gem packs just out of curiosity. I thought you could only buy one each, but when I realized that you can buy the Tier 7 over and over again I understood that this mode is a complete joke. Sure that 1,8k gems is a lot, but the fact that you can spend 500k gems and get 500 million tries at the boss is the game-breaker for me. Well, in the future I know that I won’t be going past Tier 4, if Tier 3.

There is no real competitiveness in this mode. No matter how good I play there are no individual rewards. Just like in PvP. Grind 24/7 FTW. Excellent.

I will post a video next week how the matches at Boss level 400 look like, it’s kinda funny, but also kinda stupid. I won’t reveal my team yet though.

Guild Wars has a stupid point calculation system and stupid bracket system (for rising through the ranks), I’d rate it 6/10. This Raid Boss mode is grindy and P2W, I’d give it 4/10. Nice try, but fail.


What were you curious about exactly? It shows you ahead of time what you will get for your gems. This sounds like a classic case if buyer’s remorse. Caveat emptor


I did the same thing so now I’m using up my sigils bc I know they won’t refund me. Hopefully they’ll fix it, so you are sure you want to buy tier 7 and already bought one.

But why did you not wait until you knew for sure if the Tier 7 was purchasable over and over again, before you went with Tier 7? Why the haste getting it to Tier 7?

Well, I had enough gems so I wanted to test if the buttons work :smiley:

Actually I try to collect all troops and ascend them to mythic, that’s why I was going for at least Tier 6 this time and I was willing to see if it’s worth it. But no, it’s not. Also I wanted to see how many Shengtang legendary troops I get. Well, the answer was zero. Excellent.

It’s the first Raid boss week ever so I was willing to spend. Yes, I was a stupid customer. Congratz Dev’s, excellent marketing. Bill Hicks would be proud.


Yes, yes he would. Lol

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And money from your wallet (to buy more gems), lots and lots of money.

It is, basically, Pay to Win, after all. Gotta pay to Win :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face:

bill hicks goes by jones something or rather now xD

I was just talking about this in chat yesterday! @Saltypatra we need a lot more information in the Guild Leaderboard and a little more in the Public one.

Tier Purchased
Bosses Killed
Valraven Killed
W/L Ratio

Bosses Killed
W/L Ratio


I’m actually having a blast with Boss Raids. It’s a real challenge as you get past level 200 but there’s a lot of new interesting dynamics at play that you don’t normally think about in GW or PVP (like having to kill some troops first, trying to avoid getting skull damage, knowing when it’s OK to lose a troop, facing crazy overpowered troops).

The gem cost is too high TBH. I’ve gone up to tier 6 so far and had to part with 1350 gems. Sure, I got to play a lot more than my guild mates and am now on the leadership board but I can’t imagine doing this every few weeks.


I wonder what weighs more? Your opinion based on short-lived experience (not even two days of event yet)? Or almost three years of a free gaming experience GoW has provided to many players around the world?

They don’t get things sorted out perfectly everytime, so it’s reasonable to expect mistakes in their plans. We must try to provide feedback, which is much more helpful than bitter accusations by the way.



That’s all you need, once the boss is dead just die if it’s easier than trying to win with low damage dealer troops. This is dreadful. It really is.

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