My Fair Lady

The game has become “too free to play” to many.

I see. That’s a valid concern with the game’s reward structure, but it’s nothing unique to today’s event announcement. Perhaps the guild changes in 2.1 will address the discrepancy somehow.

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When you add in a 3rd troop only available right now in event chests it does tend to stir the pot. Especially when most people have spent a majority of resources recently getting the 4 horsemen. If you were even able to get the mythics. Those in the higher guilds are the only ones that tend to be able to keep up right now. Which I would argue is the whole reason of these Apocalypse troops and this new event chest troop, to spend a lot of people’s stored up resources. If you aren’t in the top guilds, you don’t have any stored up resources.

Just so you know, there’s at least some relief in sight. While the defense variety still isn’t as high as many (including myself) would like, I’m certainly seeing more troops on defense than I used to. Khorvash, Manticore, Death, Famine, Impervious, Maw and Mab changes have all shifted the meta around a lot from “endless Mawrcy” which PC had to slog through (and Console is currently mired in).


It seems to me that this is only a problem if you expect to have everything instantaneously. The game has never worked like that. Farming souls, traitstones, playing PvP for gold to get guild rewards is the essence of the game. I happen to be in the top PC/mobile guild and the RNG doesn’t work any faster for me than it does for anyone else. Oh, I have more resources to burn? Maybe so, but it doesn’t change the odds on the draw because the odds aren’t cumulative. Sometimes it takes forever to get a particular troop no matter what kind of resources you have.


It’s against today’s event changes because now there is even more 1 week time frames. Mythics were the first introduction that sinks all your resources. Now the new legendaries will only be available for a week and will have a 3 week downtime so right now if you run out of gems on the event week then right away there’s still a chance every time you open a glory key or gem chest if you choose. Now you cannot get them from gem chests or from glory keys. So you feel like you have to get them on their week otherwise there is 0 chance to get it for weeks. So any resources you spend (namely glory keys) you don’t even have a chance at pulling that legendary.

This goes back to my whole points because top guilds have a lot more free gems, aka free chances, aka hundreds of dollars worth of stuff right in their hands that other players do not. So most likely they will have enough to get what they are looking for, while its a 50/50 chance whether a normal guild member will, with considerably less resources, unless they are willing to spend hundreds of dollars.

Hundreds of dollars is not something we should be aiming for. We should be having cheaper ways to help out players. all that little money adds up. Makes players feel better, makes devs more money. Again why I think a sub is great

If we take my last recorded legendary drop rate over 5000+ chests (1/170, which may be on the high side, and is much higher than the community estimate of 1/200) and given 31 legendaries in glory chests next week, that will give you a 1/5270 chance of pulling a given specific legendary from glory keys, and a 1/1430 chance of pulling a specific one from gem chests. My numbers for VIP chests are much too small to even make an estimate, but for gems to legendary ratios, seem very similar to those of Gem chests. And the rarity of a specific legendary increases as more stuff is added. And the length of time between kingdom events repeating increases as more are added. And the fact that this kingdom is now at 11 means it might not make the short list in the rotation.

500 glory was probably much too low for a legendary pack, yes. How about 2000 with four traitstones then? 4000? Some number here has to make it an appropriate reward without making me play the slot machine with less resources than would even make the drop a likelihood.

I actually got Mythic Khorvash mostly as collateral looking for Death. As it happens, RNG swings both ways. But had he not been in glory chests at the exact moment I spent thousands of glory keys, it would have been something else. There were plenty of legendaries I did not get extras of, obviously, (summer imp, hydra, goblin king, and the silent one to name a few, which I remain at one of each, GK only because I got him during the Zaejin event). The drops from those could have easily been reversed. Without the event to fall back on, it could have easily been months before I saw a drop.

The biggest thing is the lack of any sort of agency I have over moving toward obtaining the troops. I was kinda glad when I finally got over RNG deciding what I could and could not have, then mythics came along, and for a while I was fine with that, and fine not having a couple of them. But this latest change has me spinning the prize wheel just a bit too often to decide if I can play with the latest thing or not. I have a feeling I am going to be a very unhappy camper if it happens to turn up empty for a legendary like it did for Death.

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This. Thank you.

This “top guilds get everything for free” canard is beyond tiresome. I’m in a top guild, and our members work hard to bring in trophies and gold every week. Putting in the time to get the gold required for a decent amount of gems/keys is not getting something for free. The only people that get something for free are leaches that don’t pay their fair share. Those people don’t last more than a week in a top guild however.

Also, being in a top guild doesn’t guarantee you’ll get every single thing that you want when you want it. RNG can be nasty to every one.


To the people in top guilds we get it. You don’t want things to change because you are happy on top. To the argument that you all don’t get anything free though, that is wrong. Time=free. You are arguably only at the top because your players had so much “free” time. Also if you don’t spend money on the game, that too makes it “free.” You all seem to forget looking at it from a developers POV. We all know this game only takes TIME, not skill. So technically everything is free unless you spend money on the game.

Edit: I know people may hate me for this comment but it’s truth. Your time doesn’t pay for anything in this game.(real money) It’s like people thinking because they are in a top guild it makes them better than others, it doesn’t. It means you have more TIME.


It is getting something for free if you aren’t paying for it.

You are under the assumption that your time is money while playing a game.
Your free time is not money. By playing this game you are literally getting “paid” hundreds of dollars of virtual money a week just by being in a top guild. Your time does not feed the developers families.

You can be a very active player, just as much so as the person in a top guild, and get a tiny fraction of that free resource if you aren’t in one. And those top guilds have very limited spots, so you can’t just tell every active player to join a top guild and get over it.


Well, “for weeks” isn’t really that long. It’s true there’s some artificial urgency generated by this, but that’s only if you live on the bleeding edge. Other than a short wait on Gem/VIP/Glory payouts, this release is kind of like a mini-kingdom release with two troops in Glory and the top dog in Event chests.


But Drifting Sands, Blighted Lands, and Glacial Peaks all released exactly like Leonis Empire did. If you didn’t have $50 or luck with Event keys, you were SOL on those Legendaries (all of which are top-tier). What made it okay then, but not now, during a non-kingdom week?

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I feel I should add in a seperate post that putting in money only gives you one shots that become less and less significant as you progress through the game. If the game is truly pay to progress faster or pay to have to progress less, we need a subscription that multiplies all resources gained from all sources (keys, gems, etc). 10 or 20 bucks a month wouldn’t even be out of the question here. On the player side, if we become unhappy with the game, we stop paying. Since the benefits are constant, we have to stay subbed to take advantage of them. The absolute top players could still get everything if rewards stay kind of where they are at now, but I wouldn’t have to drop my guild and move to one where I need to be obligated to play x amount just to be able to have a better-than-reasonable chance to play on my terms.

On the dev side, constant revenue that doesn’t rely on pure impulse purchases or people just throwing money at the game.


Yes but that doesn’t change the fact that you are getting so much money worth of stuff for free simply by being in a good guild.

Your luck is not any better. That’s RNG.
But more chances affects your odds of getting the things you want.

And if you still spend money even in a top guild then you would have had to spend that much more if you weren’t in a top guild

Mostly the several weeks of warning leading up to it, and the fact that you could use glory keys first to try your luck before committing gems. And the fact that it wasn’t released in this manner right after getting a lot of people to spend everything to try and chase a Mythic. And the frequency of said releases, with the next one happening as soon as a couple weeks.

Edit: And the simultaneous exclusive mythic and glut of new lower rarity troops added to give you something else to try for with Glory keys.

Edit 2: And the fact that the event keys are most certainly getting you stuff you didn’t have, and not Mythic + 100 in whatever Ultra-Rare the kingdom has.


That’s a good point. I didn’t think of that. To be fair, targeting a specific Legendary with Glory keys has always felt like a Hail-Mary to me, but I can see how the philosophical change (spend Gems first!) would be somewhat worrisome.

Those who have vs Those who doesn’t…
The collective effort of the top guilds vs The less coordinated and less demanding effort of the lesser guilds…

People united for an objective and with coordination towards high goals will be efective because they choosed to invest their time, it’s an agreement.

But if the system is simply very generous with the rewards in a sense that it allowed to break the economy… Now, this will be addressed in the new update, and the top will still get more rewards because they invest more in the game, simple as that.


Right, there will always be top guilds and that will always be measured by time in this game. The only way for it to be different would be to make it about something else and I doubt they will. As I said I really don’t have a problem with the way it is now aside from people saying they don’t get anything free in this game and that’s truly false. I think time is a good measurement though. Especially for this game since it ensures the longevity of GemsofWar. I know i’ll be playing for years to come.

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I’m sorry … where did anyone state that being in a top guild makes you better than others? Where does that statement even come into this conversation? People in top guilds are only using the system that the devs created. Nothing more, nothing less.

By the way, plenty of people in top guilds also spend money. The two things aren’t exclusive.

Also, once Guild 2.0 comes out, I won’t be whining about less resources. I have no expectation of getting all troops when I want them. People who have that expectation will never be happy. This isn’t a P2W game no matter how much some people want it to be.


Will be interesting to see how many more guilds are created by end game players who are worried about there resources getting halved with the new guild update.

I say Nerf any guild with the word dragon in it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: