Moon 4 xp will you ever adress it

This is just getting old devs 90% of play is done with buffs and this 4xp crap has got to go. Why do you refuse to fix anything . Cant remember the last time i gained a level. This is just getting plain sad folks. It truly is


What do you mean by moon 4 exp? I’m just honestly confused. Do you mean the pvp buffs?

Yes when a buff is active you get 4 xp lol sorry for confusion

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Because it doesn’t affect the devs wallets. Gold marks were fixed really quick as were gaps when released. Nerfed the very next day i believe? Don’t give them your money because as a customer they have no respect for any of us


I can see it being one of those “other various bug fixes” they love to post at the end of patch notes. That’s my guess when it’ll be fixed, the next patch in the middle of the month.