PVP Shop Immortals Bug

Hello adventurers! :slight_smile:

We have discovered 2 small issues in the PvP Shop, but they’re under control!

Here’s what the problem #1 is:

  • If you have purchased the Gold Mark Subscription in the PvP Shop
  • You will see a strange new item - with lots of X’s, take its place
  • If you select it, you will be offered the ability to purchase a PvP Season Pass

Please don’t purchase this, as there is no PvP Season currently running!

  • For those who have purchased it, firstly we salute your enthusiasm - thank you!
  • We will make sure you receive the season pass next week within 1-2 days of the season starting (you won’t miss out on anything)

Here’s what the problem #2 is:

  • This really follows on from problem #1
  • After purchasing the season pass above, you will see that store item with the X’s again
  • This time it is a Burning Mark pack!
  • Please don’t purchase this one either
  • It may allow you to unlock some immortals early
  • But it may also give you some ICONS
  • ICONS cannot be traded for VP until the season starts - you will receive an error

This has only affected a VERY small number of people so far.
The only other issue you might see, is if anyone HAS gotten an Immortal into a PvP Team, it might cause some crashes - we’re just fixing the game so it replaces Immortals with Diamantina the Dragon. That should be out in short order.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding! :slight_smile:


You should change the game title to bugs of war


This would be good info to send in game mail.


As we previously stated, kindly test everything to ensure there are no bugs before publishing it.
Why do you let your customers know whether something is nice or bad? Unfortunately, that is just not logical.

In the future, please focus on improving the game rather than coming up with additional ways to make money.


I really second this. Ive never seen a game that gives so little gameplay explanation IN GAME. That includes Bug explanation. I didnt watch the reveal video so when the game updated last night I had nk idea how anything worked. Can we get chests right now? I shouldn’t have to Google things like that


Very good songs

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I was expecting the new patch to be full of bugs, as they usually are. That’s why I’d actually like to thank you for releasing it a few days before anything in it will become active, since that gives you a chance to find some of those bugs and start working on fixes.
Though in this case, it also allows some people to get ahead of others, via those bugs.

I’m mostly interested in this though:

To be clear, if the enemy has an immortal on their team, even if you are fully patched and updated, it might crash your game.
That seems like something that really needs fixing, ASAP, as there will be loads of players getting them in the near future, and trying them out, meaning lots of them on defense teams (since your team deciding that attack teams become defense teams), so the problem will affect way more people.
I’m glad that you’re adding another band-aid fix, by swapping them for another troop, but I hope you’re also checking for any other issues in the code around these new troops, before players start getting them legitimately.

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