Make Mythics Available to Purchase

Man I don’t feel right having an entire conversation without memes. Something not right in the world.


I would not say it would be easy to get even for 600 glory as i am not sure about how many players can save up 600 glory to obtain the troop. As legendary rarity is sold for glory for 1 week rarily, doing the same to mythic should not be so bad. Getting a mythic imp for example would cost 3k glory, I doubt anyone with limited resources would spend that much.

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It’s all part of the same problem and thus should be handled by the same solution.

“Significant” is a relative term and in this case, the perceived “significant progress” of newcomers is measured relative to the progress of existing end-game players.

So if you even the playing field, it should help new players as well as older ones.

I think progress is measured independently as it is a single player experience. In my game I only care that I can make progress; I really don’t mind if someone has 10 times as much as me. I feel if I was to start now it would be a waste of time.


New mythic comes out, it’s available to everyone via the usual means for the first week (as an exclusive mythic). Then you make it available in some $$ bag - personally I don’t have a problem with that, if someone wants to support the game - let them. And THEN after a month of two, make the mythic available for glory (now before you - anyone - say NOOOES WE CANT, think about it, if it’s priced enough - why not?).

Make it cost 5k glory, or 7,5k, or hell even 10k (maybe I overdid it with the 10k). It would allow people with horrible RNG to get the card they are missing, and by no means would they be getting it “for free” or “with no effort”, because farming 7,5k glory does take both time and effort and it’d be a trade-off of giving up on potential arcanes to buy that mythic.

But that’s just my 3 cents. Obviously the actual times could/should be scaled (how long it’d be available in which phase), then there could be once in a while special offers with old mythics for glory (for people who couldn’t or wouldn’t farm enough before, or miss War / Death etc). Personally I think it’s an idea worth exploring. It would give MANY people unhappy with the RNG right now, a way to get what they need, without giving a reason to others to complain that it was too easy.


I never expected to ever see someone say something like this with any degree of seriousness.

Anyway, I think the biggest issue with rarity is when it feels like everyone else has something, and you don’t. When you keep running into them in PvP it feels like they must be common, but when you’re trying to get them from chests, they feel unattainable. I don’t think everybody needs to have everything – I think the game would be more interesting if different people generally had different troops to pick from, and thus had to create their own team compositions, rather than copy the best thing they see. But given that the cat’s out of the bag now, as it were, I’m inclined to agree with @htismaqe that they should do something to level the playing field a bit. Newer players are at a severe disadvantage, with no way of catching up. The rubber-band effect that @HKdirewolf mentioned, where drops are more likely to be valuable to you the less you have, and less valuable as you approach completion, isn’t sufficient to make up for the weeks where existing players were able to target specific troops.


They have plenty of ways of increase their income but they don’t. They are more interested in player retention and maintaining a userbase over the long term.



Because if you had no knowledge of what happened before, including the fact that there are people with way more stuff than you, you have no frame of reference to say a new player makes no progress.

As I’ve said many times before, I have way more “stuff” than before, especially since the guild update. If I knew nothing about the former state of the game, I would think I was doing pretty well.

I would disagree with having mythics available for glory.

I’d be happy to spend 5k or 10k glory if it meant I could get a specific mythic. Glory is worth so much less than gems. I’m sure @DonBoba would happily spend more than that given his luck.

I would be fine with mythics available for cold hard cash as this means more money for the Devs to incentivise them to keep this game going and, more importantly, making this game better. I’d gladly fight a few more mythics to see that happen.


The problem with making Mythics available for a lot of glory, is the same problem as getting them out of chests. The only people that have that kind of glory built up, are end-gamers. It’s the same issue. I never have anywhere close to that amount of glory. Like yeah it’s nice for some people to have a guaranteed Mythic, but you are still leaving a whole truck load of people out of that loop.

I guess it’s a much better idea than selling for money,(sorta) that would be an even smaller pool of people.

And again I know the idea isn’t everyone should have mythics. I agree with that. I believe everyone should have the same chance at them though.

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It takes some time… But you can eventually get something like 7K of glory for week. :wink:

As your collection grows up you do start to feel like you can just ignore some glory packs that have poor value, and with the guild update you can get much more event keys weekly. So if you are not in a rush to get a new ultra-rare to mythic right away, a wise decision in most cases, you can use a few event keys and be done with the new releases without using your glory. And as you manage to save a few event keys on each week you can try to target a few missing legendary troops from each kingdom.

HK is 100% correct.

If you say 7500 Glory for a Mythic most people are going to have to choose between getting that Mythic or having a reasonable chance at participating in the next couple of weekly events.

The existing end-gamers don’t have that issue because they already “cashed out” while the market was “up”.

My entire guild is far from being composed of end-gamers and still we are focusing on what is the best route given the current system. I’ve being in the middle of the guild changes and didn’t even had all my kingdoms at 3 stars until a couple of weeks ago, my guild as a whole wasn’t swimming in premium currency before and is far from it right now, but we are still making a fair and steady progress as a group and individually.

Any guild will struggle to a certain extent if they don’t aim at certain goals and it’s up to each guild to define the best approach on the tasks but if people set unrealistic goals like…

  • I want all mythics right now.
  • I want to get each weekly new card at four mythic copies on release.
  • I want to unlock all traits of a kingdom in a single week.

…then things will seem very harder and unfair.

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You are absolutely right :slight_smile:
I spend 5k glory a week anyway xD

I’m having trouble imagining how that could be described as “unfortunate”, unless you’re one of their competitors.

like … what? who says you can’t have 7,5k glory? it’s your own choice to buy multiple event packs, for the arcanes (or troop ascending). And it would be your choice to keep doing that OR save up the glory to get that mythic you want so much.

how is he correct? :smiley: that was the entire POINT, that people would have to make a choice. But there would be an option, for people who are either active enough or willing to farm enough. It was not supposed to be “let everyone have that mythic, just because”. People like Tacet did, do and will have everything anyway, so don’t bring them up. What I suggested was supposed to be for everyone else.

Besides to buy one of each new cards every week costs what, 700 glory? So don’t say you can’t “participate” in the events for “a few weeks” if you want to buy the mythic. You simply wouldn’t buy multiple packs for the arcanes, and once again, that’d be your decision to make. Stop making it sound like you don’t like the idea because you can’t both eat the cake and still have the cake.


Since my feature request has somehow morphed into wanting mythics in rewards chests, I’d like to make it again:

Dear developers, please put a mythic, any mythic, in the shop so I can buy it with real money. It would free me of the frustration that comes with watching my lower-level guild mates pull mythics from glory chests while I can’t even get one from a VIP chest. Thank you!


In my original suggestion (if you scroll a bit up :wink: ), I advocated for putting mythics into the $$$$ shop first, then after enough time passed, down the road - make them available for glory. So once again, I agree.


How is let me buy them from the shop with money because I can’t pull them from the chest, not having your cake and eating it too? I disagree with anything that powerful being distributed to the end-gamers over anyone else. No people won’t have the glory, that’s false. I usually do at least 500 trophies a week, and tops I get 4000 or so glory. People in my position can’t afford to skip glory packs each week. We need the stones. If this thread is only give me what I want or nothing else, then well that speaks for itself.

At some point i’m sure they may look at selling mythics, but I see that day being somewhat far away. Just speculating, because there’s really not enough mythic available yet like there are legendary.


I never disagreed with you. :wink: