Loss of Gem generation bonus for similar troops

Platform, device version and operating system:
Windows 10, Steam
Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
When you have 4 similar troops, you receive a +12 gem bonus, and since the bug happened, you only receive +8, even if you have all the fullfilled conditions.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
allways since this weeke, maybe earlier

Steps to make it happen again
Just use “Calcedoine”, or “Todd Boisvert” (sorry, french names!), and the bonus don’t work corrrectely.


see the number of threads disputing this very thing, it is intentional.

i guess translations are needed, its unfortunate you missed this information


Hi, Thanks for responding. Even if this wasn’t quite the answer I was awaiting for… I mean, what a pity. I’m more on the side of those who are moining about it, to be honest.
Well. Let’s see how the comunity will react, … and the developers also.
Cheers !


Pathfinder looping was already controversial enough when the first one debuted.

The new controversy about them being nerfed is a direct result of acclimating to them being previously OP (also the whole scoring system in Journey events).