Legends Reborn didn't show up

Hello, yesterday I’ve just learned that there was actually a Legends Reborn event in Mist of Scales which I didn’t see at all (not in a “Games” menu (it was always saying “no scheduled legends reborn event”), nor in the kingdom menu itself). People told me it’s because I haven’t unlocked the assassin class, but again, the game didn’t notify me at all, there’s no way to learn without asking other people that in order to play the event I have to unlock the class. So please fix this issue! And it would be nice of you if I could get some pets which I didn’t get because of this bug. Thank you in advance


there hasn’t been a Mist of Scales Legend Reborn yet



It’s all fine and dandy, but did you read the line at the bottom that contains words “subject to change”?

As said above, there hasn’t been Mist of Scales legends reborn yet (at least, on PC/Mobile/PS/Xbox).
Spoilers have their use but one should never take them for the gospel of truth.


The Legends Reborn never happened for anyone…no one knows why. Maybe it was postponed, maybe there was a bug…


Now you know Nintendo Switch users feel. We didn’t even get the Adana Legends Reborn event. I made a bug report about it earlier this week, but didn’t hear anything.

Oh, and by the way, after version 7.0, we don’t have any extra events scheduled either. We’re missing out on weapons and other stuff, but it’s no big deal.

We might be able to advance our kingdom power in 2050 when Megatron becomes prime minister.:rofl:


Can we get an ETA on when the legends reborn event for Adana will be available for Nintendo Switch?

(Yes, it’s me again):rofl:

@Bramble @Kafka @Jeto or anyone else?

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Just bumping up this thread because I got a bite on us missing The Tower.

When can Nintendo Switch users expect to get Legends Reborn for Adana?