Legendary Drops From Glory Keys

A modest proposal: US$5 for 30 days of +50% to all keys. Infinitely stackable. Recurring revenue streams and easy to see benefits without completely breaking the balance between paying and non paying.

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Im not going to buy it but I have zero issue with anyone else doing it. Shakes up the monotonous offers that are replicated each week too

Our guild is in the top 50 and while our Glory keys and Gems went down quite a bit (not like the top tier guilds, though) our Gem and Event keys went up dramatically as did Gold keys and souls.

In terms of overall value, the 2.1 update helped us quite a bit.

The only problem with this comment Lyya is that spending $ does not guarantee ANYTHING! That has been my problem with the RL economy of this game from the very beginning. The only thing you can spend $ on is more gems to take a CHANCE at a RNGesus chest!

Now I know that there are armor packs, weapon packs, traitstone packs that all give persistant, guaranteed ROI, but generally speaking I feel that the price points are too high. I even started threads about all of this so, I wont get into it again, but the bottom line is:

In my opinion, the cost to UNLOCK content that exists in game should be a fraction of the cost of a game, ie $1.99 to unlock a troop that RNGesus has denied me, not $59.99, the cost of a full game.

Stepping down off of soapbox now! :wink:


Of course Iā€™m not denying that we have a variety of stuff now. But do souls and gold keys help you get legendaries or blues/purples (which is the point of this thread)? The best source of that pre update was glory keys. Now it will be a lot harder to ascend and get those troops because of it. And as such it was a overall nerf to anything I cared about, and a gain to things I didnā€™t need.

Arenā€™t you getting gem keys from red tasks? Theyā€™re better at the stated goal than glory keys. Plus youā€™re getting event keys which can really offset the glory cost of a particularly lucrative event.

It frees up gems to be used on VIP chests, which are far and away the best chests in the game, and glory to be used on glory keys.

Overall, Iā€™ve seen the amount of legendaries Iā€™m getting go up since the 2.1 patch.

How many gem and event keys are you getting?

Glory is for the weekly troop releases. What percentage of people have access to the Vip keys?

Are you able to put a value on what legendary troop drop rate you are getting from glory keys?

My glory key drops arenā€™t great for the most part. I donā€™t even have any idea, maybe 1 in 200 or so.

Iā€™m enjoying the gem keys Iā€™m getting from the 2.1 guild update - probably getting 1 legendary every 15-20 chests or so.

And no, not everybody gets VIP keys but if you can get there, theyā€™re worth it. The last time I opened 10 VIP chests, I got 4 legendaries and 8 arcane trait stones.

Sounds good. I didnt realise gem keys were so useful. I have never found a legendary from them on console.

While on the subject, has anyone pinned down the percentage chance for Legens + Mythics off each available chest in the game - Gold ones excluded ofc.

I am particularly interested to hear your feedback on VIP chests and whether they are worth their gems.

Glory keys have always been better at ascending blues and purples rather than gem keys, and with the added bonus of getting legendaries every so often. It was a great way to start filling up your legendary collection so you have more chances than just gemsā€¦

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This thread and the linked video have a good discussion of key rewards. Tl;dr: VIP chests are higher odds for Legendary/Mythic targeting, but you might be better off with Gem or Event chests in some cases.

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Yes definitely better for getting blues. Iā€™ve found gem chests better for purples though I donā€™t open nearly as manyā€¦

Yes Lyya, Tacet has been a wealth of information since I started being busy with GoW. Yet have not seen any exact figures on % chances per chest type for the above troops.

Btb, Arcanes were said to be a 6.0 - 6.2% drop chance (lacking source atm but itā€™s within this forum).

Yeah the amount is what makes the difference. When you could open a thousand glory keys you were bound to make more purples than you would out of 1,000 gems worth of keys.

Well, we donā€™t have ā€œexactā€ numbers, but @Shimrra has opened enough chests to get a pretty decent picture. His data can be found here:

Console and PC have the same droprate. Unless Infinity changed it in the past month or so.

I recorded some of my drop rates just before the 2.1 update.

These are just for legendary troops, I didnā€™t bother counting the equivalent arcanes.

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That would be pretty close to what other people are reporting. The general consensus was somewhere between 100-200 keys. 182 is pretty good.

It would be nice if this could be reconfirmed by the console devs. Nobody I have spoken to is experiencing the same droprate that PC players are. And all the PC players have stated a consistent value of 1 in 100-200.