Legendary Drops From Glory Keys

I doubt they would ever confirm it even if it were the case.

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The notion of spending that money on one troop disturbs me. It is something I will never understand. Different strokes

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Yeah, right. You, who seem to be able to pull, at will, images from the darkest recesses of the Internetā€™s armpit? We have very different definitions of ā€œdisturbed.ā€



I will never understand it either.

My value of the dollar is a lot higher than most folk, I suppose. Im still set in my ways of paying $ 15-20 monthly to MMOs or buying a $60 dollar game, maybe with season pass, and playing for 100 hours or so (depending on the game). This is most comparable to a MMO, but I still canā€™t shake that feeling ā€œwhy would I spend $100+ on a GAMBLE for a very very rare drop over buying a brand new game with season pass that will be a great experience and guaranteed contentā€¦ā€

I donā€™t understand it at all.

Iā€™m not spending anymore money until they release something thatā€™s a reasonable price. Iā€™d spend money monthly on this game if it was something guaranteed rather than a gamble (and a ton of money). It doesnā€™t even have to be that good. Could just be like 50% more xo, souls and gold or something and Iā€™d still buy it for $15 a month. But Iā€™ll never buy straight up gambling packages. The only money Iā€™ve spent has been on bundles, and Iā€™ve regretted it because the stuff you got wasnā€™t actually any good and I did it when I was brand new and didnā€™t know better. Bought those cheap subs that are $15 for barely any rewardā€¦ But then joined a guild and realized just out how of proportion rewards were.

Itā€™s just annoying because my value of the dollar doesnā€™t match up with the free to play style. Itā€™s not that Iā€™m opposed to spend, itā€™s that I want a good value. I carry that over to every aspect of my life. Buy everything on sale. Never name brand stuff. Buy like new or somewhat used stuff. Itā€™s just the way I am :slight_smile:

Itā€™ll be a very bad thing for me if this free to play market takes over for all gaming. Itā€™ll be a sad day for the industry and I hope it crashes so we can start over again with something reasonable.

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Indeed, I did consider adding a note that I have seen some things that should never be seen so me being unnerved was saying a lotā€¦ but ultimately decided against it

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Absolutely. I bought the armour which is essentially the equivalent of a full priced game. They will be doing very well to get any more out of me. None of the current packs do anything for me anyway


Iā€™m level 306. Iā€™ve opened approximately 1000 glory chests total and have got one legendary troop: Gloom Leaf

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My condolences! Gloom Leaf is dire.

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Gloom Leaf was actually better before they gave all the Legendary troops unique third traits. For a very short time, he had Stoneskin, and was a viable tank.

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He was one of my favourite troops before traits got introduced. Iā€™m not sure why they didnā€™t keep stoneskin on him since treant is a better troop than said legendary just now. At least in my opinion.

Emo-tree is not amused.

I agree with HK that it is somewhere between 1 in 100 and 1 in 200 for me on PC/Mobile.

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I got just under 1 in 170 last time I opened 5k keys in 2.0.1. Shimmraā€™s numbers for 10800 glory chests indicate just over 1 in 145 in version 2.0. It may feel like 1/200, but the numbers seem to say otherwise. I dont think the actual drop rates have changed between versions, but I know in both it was very easy to go streaks of 500+ glory keys without getting a single legendary. However, because of the now-small number of glory keys given, it can take a while to recover from that kind of streak. For some people, they may never reach ā€œeven oddsā€ for their entire time playing the game.

I know Iā€™m banking on getting all future legendaries releases from event keys as they come in, because the current-most conservative possible-estimate 1/4785 chance of a random pull for a specific legendary from a glory key (or 1/1,196 for a gem chest, both getting worse every week a legend is added to the general drops) is highly unappealing, especially when you can easily spend three times that without getting your target drop.


He works best in the 3rd or 4th slot. By the time Skull teams get to him, heā€™s so buffed that the enemy kills itself on him.


It is probably fair to say 1/150 on PC is a decent estimate based on the above. Not as much to go on for the console side but it is looking like multiples of thatā€¦


Havent had a new legendary for like 4 months or something

How many glory keys are we talking about in that period?

Recently started the game on Mobile, Iā€™m level 20 and have gotten 3 legendary troops from Glory keys. 2 of which came from getting 2 keys from a single treasure map.
Comparing that to the 7 legendary troops on console at level 200.

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Great hearing from people who have been on both sides.

It would be interesting to know if you were playing in the old system when we used Iron and Magic keys and 3 troops came from each chest. I had much better returns then than I do with Glory keys

Iā€™ve no idea what Iron and Magic keys are. I guess that answers your question.

It sure does. I got many more legendaries during the original chest system than I do now.