[Known Issue] Games Button Not Working

I’m afraid of what the devs may have done or are planning if they managed to wreck some menu button that has worked for years. You all should be afraid too.


That would possibly mean, the bug is caused, because the planned pet for next wednesday cannot be displayed.
If I am right, the button will break again, once the hour is over.


In that case you can just restart the game and it should pop up again

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Brilliant! Thanks.

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Thx Hawx for path to dungeon and yeah is possible that pet rescue can fix that problem…on 1hour🤣

Yeah unfortunately, some guilds are Co-ordinating when to run Pet rescues via GaP so that members in different timezones can access the menu.

Not a great solution but at least it is something

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As long as they’re not coding Strategic Nuclear Missile launchers or Nuclear Power cooling/emergency features, I won’t be afraid, exactly. Disappointed, annoyed, and depending on how the rest of my day has gone, angry… yes. It’s the devs that ought to be afraid. Actual game breaking bugs are a death knell.


I literally restarted the game in hopes it was just my device. Bugs like this shows how easily gems of War can break at any moment. The code must be held together by duct tape and gum.


I’d say really cheap sellotape more than the effective duct tape :joy:


I thank you.


Well, they tried to make the pet for next week a special surprise, that they did not want to give away before it’s there.
To be honest, it sounds like the sort of oversight, that could have happened to me too. Just wondering, shouldn’t the problem have been present on the test server as well?

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Same issue with the Games button here on PC and Mobile versions (tried both). Glad people have found workarounds already. 100% agree they should shift reset time to a time they will actually be available to fix problems.


It’s fixed for PC Steam.

Could you plz read the posts before you post something, that’s not true.

Still not fixed and still related to a PET RESCUE!!!

Sorry, my bad. It was fixed for one guild member – who had not triggered a PR – but was not for another member.

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Pet rescue solves the issue for the entire guild. Until the pet is gone…so it is a temp fix
Game restart needed!


Anyone on PS5 able to confirm they get a full crash rather than a no interaction

Vid from King Ollie on PS5:

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Still not working on Adnroid :frowning:

It won’t be, the devs aren’t in work. The only way around is to have a pet rescue triggered by yourself or a guildmate. This will bring the games menu back for your whole guild for an hour.

You can also navigate to the Adventure Path Menu via your hero tab, then select hero level and scroll down to dungeons that way. I posted a link above earlier with a YouTube guide but to save the scrolling:
https://youtu.be/eRhv2n2nFYw Genki Col also has an awesome video on her YouTube channel about how to navigate to the different areas too

Class Event can be accessed via the news tab.

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On October 26, a cosmetic pet was initially indicated, but then it was removed and we have a broken game. I’m afraid that in 2 weeks we will face the same situation (and this is most likely the case, because there are no cosmetic pets on Wednesdays)