Journey Event Scoring and Pathfinder Troop Rebalance information

Fat chance. They aren’t paid to communicate with us, they are paid to post some fairy tales to retain players about to quit. It usually takes players a couple of months to figure out they’ve been fed empty words, without any intention to ever act of them. And they might still pay money while they wait for the promised improvements.

Remember this one?

That was August 2022. When players started wondering why they couldn’t see those offers, they claimed they still need a few more days of testing. One and a half year later the offers still haven’t been released, and any thread asking about it gets ignored.

Sounds familiar? Gem Dragon crafting, anyone? Want to make a guess how Guild Wars or Journey will be handled? The disappointing thing is that players keep falling for it, even after that stunt has been pulled over and over again.


You know how it works. There can be no official message that is not presented in a positive light because no company wants to lose customers/investors.

Wait patiently for the next message and read it carefully when it arrives, firstly with your own player’s eyes, and then from the point of view of the company that issued it, as the wording is often phrased to appease the reader whilst leaving wiggle room for the writer.


Already losing miles. Such “fun”.

I’m not repeating what I got forum banned for, but my opinion about this “fun” still stands.


Need more time/Need more data is always a lie.

The same weekend nerf of the original vault event proves this.

They can act swiftly when their interests are threatened.

User happiness? Ha.


Just remove the Journey from rotation, if you can’t and don’t know how to fix it. In its current form, the game mode is broken, players don’t get enough points as originally planned.

If the current development team doesn’t understand the old game code and it is unclear what to change to fix and not break, just cancel it as a guild war.



Replace Journey with world event until you sort it out ON YOIR SIDE. You have plenty of player testing and feedback.

This week, reduce the point requirements like you SHOULD HAVE DONE last time.

But we don’t know what they planned. We may perhaps assume they planned that players dig deeper into their gem stashes in order to complete the event, which we know some people did, and so from that perspective it is working as intended.


I disagree.

Not that I like journey, it’s terrible. But the last few rewards are meh but the books and deeds are very much needed.

We can just ditch the last rewards after the books and we’ll be fine - as guild decisions.

That would require running the other events more often, which they don’t have the game mode specific assets (e.g. weapons and troops) ready for. Besides, players wouldn’t want to miss out on the unique Journey rewards 1 - 12.

Journey reward thresholds are currently based on the assumption that everybody is playing perfectly, never losing troops and never taking more than 10 turns. Which was reasonable while Pathfinders were still able to loop forever, without a huge risk of throwing the battle. They should just recalculate the reward thresholds based on the assumption that everybody is now receiving the full penalty, which is 45 miles each battle (or roughly 30 members * 80 battles * 45 penalty = 108k points too much in total for a guild trying to unlock all rewards).

Even if players still fare slightly better, especially in early battles, it feels like a fair compromise for having to play with 3 troops, while the mandatory Pathfinder originally introduced as MVP blocks a team slot doing nothing. They can go over the reward thresholds again once they’ve finished “collecting data” and found a way to redesign the whole game mode.


i dont know why this has taken me so long to think of this… a VERY simple solution to this … MEDALS, you know like the world event ones? the code already exists and we need more seasons medals now.

Which would mean putting World Event medals into Journey shop tiers and rewards. Which would in turn mean removing writs, deeds and books from Journey shop tiers and rewards, because it’s more likely for hell to freeze over than medals getting handed out on top. Which would for all loot purposes mean getting two World Events every five weeks, with one of them scaling much more aggressively and having score penalties tacked on. The base idea is good, I’m afraid it fails the monetization test.

This is becoming ridiculous, I’m not playing this event, I don’t care if the rewards are good, it’s a game and I’m not having fun


Day one with a three tier buy, and the troops provided within restrictions are already struggling to meet the 10 turn limit. Why create an event that punishes players for losing troops/taking too many turns, then provide zero troops that can meet these requirements? I’m not going to keep playing an event where it is literally impossible to meet the match requirements to gain full points.


The exact reason, some of us have already skipped the Journey event in its current form.

The devs have a different idea of balance and FUN than the players do…

You better because my score has been HALF of what it used to be.

So if i do 0miles (to not waste my nerves and time) is that a collectible data? Sorry to my Guild.

You had a lot data after the last murdered journey event, but not even tried correct the terrible nerf at least partially… you could collect data from new iteration of stat optimization (eg. 4gem/troop generation), but missed chance.

Yeah, because that’s corporate speech for “sucks to be you but we don’t care” and doesn’t actually mean they’re collecting data.

There used to be a time when they adjusted the needed points mid week if necessary. Now they need several events of testing?

Nah, they just don’t care if we like it or not.


If enough people spend in the shop, even if it is just to reach the weapon, and maybe not even playing the sigils, then the data shows that there is some interest in the format. That’s the metric. Gem-spend.

I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but there is only one effective way to show that you do not like it.

Surely dropping the point penalties for turns taken and troops lost would be a simple change that wouldn’t break the economy?

Later battles are tough even to win, never mind within 10 turns and no lost troops.

I’m an endgamer with access to the best troops and weapons for the event, and I lost twice to a nearly level 500 Wargare team.

One of the enemy troops, Freki the Wild, was doing 187 true damage per cast, doubled vs purple troops (our whole team in this event). He was essentially a 13 mana cost raid boss, with no godslayer to take down his 400+ armour and life quickly.


Why all the hate folks? The devs have said they tested everything for FUN! Don’t you enjoy it?