Exactly what i said, if you spend money you will get your first mythic in 2-3 months if you don’t 5-6 months. not conting if your mythic is avalaible the week you are ready, if not you could have to wait another month
Xathenos will take 10 months if you spend nothing since you need to craft 3 weapon first
I’m glad someone is doing their math! Here’s another way to put it:
Option 1: Spend 2500 gems and get a 60% chance at a Mythic.
Option 2: Spend 4000 gems and get a guarantee of the Mythic.
Which do you choose? The math is the same… And that’s effectively what they’ve done.
Of course, you can also choose to not spend any gems and you’ll get exactly the mythic you want if you’re patient. I don’t know how people keep losing sight of this. We’ve got people here that have been playing nearly 3 years. That’s 7 mythics for free if they could reset the clock. And there are only 18 total, 2 of which just got released.
Well it also depend how patient the person is, for me i know The less mythic i have to craft the better it is cause every mythic i am missing is adding 6 months of grinding.
Here’s the thing: If it takes 4 months to get the targeted mythic for free, you effectively only have to spend gems 3 out of every 4 months. Think about this for a second. Really let it sink in. Mythics just got 25% cheaper.
If we assume you’re dropping 2500 gems 12 months of the year, you now only have to do it 9 months of the year. Instead of needing 30k gems, you now only need 22.5k. That’s HUGE.
It’s honestly nuts how good it is for players. I don’t know why they did it. It’s crazy! Especially when it’s brought so much grief in the process. They literally just nerfed the crap out of the value of mythics and all they’ve gotten is rage for it.
I’m actually taking about new mythics. My point is that every month a new mythic comes out and you drop a few thousand gems to drop it. You can now skip some of those months and save all your gems b/c you get it for free via crafting.
Hopefully we’ll see what Day of Luck brings in a few hours and we’ll have a better idea of the Diamond income. Though I believe Diamonds have been added to Guild Tasks, rather than Legendary ones. But it’s possible they’ve been added to both.
Actually it should be every 4.5 weeks, since 4 mythics for 4 weeks gives 16 mythics, and only 2 left to add in the 5th week. But your point of it getting longer with each mythic is still true, and it will hit 5 and then 6 weeks in the next 2-6 months.
That’s assuming the person is lucky enough to receive the new Mythic with what will be an already-reduced amount of Gems, which will be reduced even more if the player chooses to spend 50 Gems a day on the “bounty pack” to help offset the crappy RNG of non-guaranteed Diamonds from the daily dungeon.
One solution would have been to allow the player to choose whether to trade 50 Gems or 5 Gem Keys for the bounty pack. I’d happily trade off the keys and save my Gems for VIP packs.
This makes me curious… how many gems do people usually spend to get a mythic? I usually save my keys from the previous week and the week of the Mythic (so 2 weeks of Guild Tasks roughly) and just splurge those. If I don’t get it I usually give up on it. If it’s one I REALLY want I might try around 10-20 VIP chests, but not usually, so usually I spend almost no gems on getting Mythics it feels like.
Every last one I earn goes to getting mythics. I’ve had drops everywhere between 50 VIP keys and 400 VIP keys (after spending all gem keys on hand, usually 252 gem keys/month), or 2250 to 18k gems, and I believe I’ve gotten one with gem keys without having to resort to gems. I’ve also gotten two from glory keys (on new kingdoms so not in the exclsuive period, so both dupes, of course) since mythics were introduced.
Going back 8 mythics (to Jotnar) I acquired 5 of these with gems via VIP chests. It took a combined 29,250 gems.
That’s an average of 5,850 gems per mythic. It’s the biggest sample size that i have.