[Investigating] Incorrect GW Scores

Score wise bugs, just from the data I have, no actual specific fight/person being bugged.

Anon and TBH: The Black Hand both are missing scores from a battle at least, thankfully didnt change the rankings.

Not sure of anyone else outside of that sorry

Our Battle Count was showing 84 battles fought, but the last two Raiders to fight both showed 5/5 battles fought. It was most likely ChunQuixote’s (no relation) battles, as he claimed his service disconnected as the final post-battle screen was loading. It was a loss, and probably won’t affect overall win probabilities. I told him to get a better service provider, and also to get gud. Loss/Win/Win/Loss/Loss may have been good enough for his previous guild, but he’s a Raider now. I’m just passing along the information that was passed to me…

This was our Paragon’s score, Other Kirk. Better than I’ve ever scored in a day. He didn’t report any connectivity issues. I think our score is accurate, just not the battles. But I didn’t sit down with a calculator, so I may be wrong.

Guild is Chunky’s Raiders, XBox Bracket 5.

As the latest victims of this “scoring bug”.

(All 900 battles are completed. I was in fact was the last battle completed.)
May I say how comforting it is to know that an issue reported almost 5 months ago. And bumped up monthly.

Can’t even make it’s way to the “known issues list”.

Thanks for releasing guild wars, an event that’s been bugged from the start. And then acting like y’all are doing us a favor by keeping it around despite the lowest of low priority in regards to maintenance on it. So low it can’t even make it’s way into the official known issue list yet…(after 5 months.)


Ohai its me again :smiley:

Im reporting this for Power Gems btw.

In Game scoring:

Based on the API:


The bug is at it.

Olimp also lost ~1500 points from a missed battle, which thankfully for them, didnt effect their ranking. But they did only beat BD, in game, by 481 points, where as they should have beaten us by a bit more

In Game:


Im not sure about others, but I am fairly certain that other guilds have been affected by this bug. In terms of PG, they have now lost out on a rank 9 in B1 vs rank 10 when starting the week next GW, as well as the gems for winning the bracket per person in the guild.

Once again, if you need more info, feel free to contact me and I can see if I have what you need.


Thank u @Smash for reporting for us. We were so excited after all the hard work to have won B2 just to see in game it was incorrect and said we were 2nd. I hope this can be resolved and our members get the gems they missed out on. Whatever you need from us just let me know. I am 2IC for Power Gems.


If you don’t have time to fix this issue (or can’t.)

Then do yourselves a favor.
Freeze the brackets as they are (my apologies to those screwed over by the bug). 4 weeks from now send out the GW rewards as if an actual GW week transpired. (Sorry community, we will miss out on the potential daily GW victory guild seals.)
And shut GW down until you have time to fix this.

You can’t afford to have so many influential players be screwed over by an issue that was brought to your attention at least almost 6 months ago. Regardless of any profit you experienced last fiscal year. I’m talking about right now. You… Can’t… afford… This to continue to happen.

And to those who don’t want GW shut down despite my solution for the rewards still being sent out. I personally would rather sacrifice Guild Wars and save Gems of War. Than to have it all be shut down.

In terms of bias…I am unaware of this bug ever screwing myself or my guilds over. Nor do I have any sort of allegiance in place with those affected by it. But I can certainly have empathy for them.

Devs, you will never understand how much time and energy is spent to do well in GW. Just to be robbed out of the little rewards you have justly earned.

Imagine 10% of your paycheck missing every 4 weeks over the duration of 6 months. And your company says they are still looking into fixing it but won’t be compensating the missing pay.

Or imagine every time you order from a pizza place you’re missing a slice of pizza despite paying full price for it.

How long would you be tolerant of either scenario before you’ve had enough?

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I do understand, I promise. I’ll follow up with the Devs on this again today. I think I mentioned somewhere this is one of top 5 priority bugs I’ve asked the team to look into, it’s not an easy one so far (which is why it hasn’t been fixed yet).

EDIT: PS. I know how frustrating it would be to read this reply after like 6 months of this, I just don’t know what else I can say at this point :frowning: it’s disappointing all around.


I know, im being patient.

The more info I can provide, the better chance at it being found and fixed lol.

Im sure it has happened the last few months that I havent reported anything, but as it hasnt directly affected BD and the data I can collect, either from BD itself or other guilds we talk to, I have been unable to report anything much on it


Thank u for looking into this Kafka. We really do appreciate it. Will be waiting patiently. I hope it gets fixed.:innocent:
Do we need to file an official support ticket to?

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Where is this found/obtained? Is it available for Xbox as well? I’m just curious.

We finished 1900 points from finishing 3rd; 7800 points from finishing 2nd. It would be easier to blame the loss on a bug, rather than our 5 players who did not fight on Sat/Sun.

I know that is different than what you are discussing, but I am still curious.

I would uninstall this game and never look back. I can attribute bugs, scoring or otherwise, to ‘the Fog of War’. We lost. That’s on us. We’ll do better. Freezing the seeding for all brackets because 2 guilds had a battle (probably more than 2 guilds, but don’t act like you care what happens to other brackets) vanish into the ether, is a terrible idea. Sorry, but just terrible.

There are VIP across all platform who may be in a guild navigating the dead guild brackets. Your ‘proposal’ would hurt them more than it would benefit yourself.

The bug, though random and malicious, and certainly capricious, has the potential to strike any guild equally. Don’t punish the whole community. Sorry for getting angry over a proposal that shouldn’t be taken seriously.

27/30 should have never been taken seriously either. Asking a company bad at maths to do maths…:rage:

A ticket isn’t necessary thanks @junette


Honestly, I have no idea tbh. that would be a question for the API discussions if it can access the data for Xbox, but I assume it can since Tarans was able to display info about the consoles when it was all running


Yep… It’s way better to work hard every month to get to bracket 1 and then get screwed over.

“Would”, compared to the “are” who are uninstalling possibly due to the bug.
Better to think of potential scenarios than address current scenarios.

Dont get me wrong, this bug is old and can be frustrating as all hell, especially when it costs people rewards.

But its a hard bug to find, even for players.

I collect the data for BD, I have multiple spreadsheets set up, with bright fancy colours, to check for bottom scores for days, how much we get if we improve on those scores with others yet to play, total scores, average score per player that counted, top and bottom scores etc etc.

Even with all of that data, it can be hard for me to find the score missing or if its a delay in the game updating, or anything else, but I have made it a lot easier on myself to do this.

For the Devs, they need to be able to search every little part of the code that may interact with GW, and then error check essentially, every line separately to find it. As it is a random bug, as in it so far has no set course as to what makes it appear and repeat, it takes even longer cause while they test it it may work perfectly.

It could be something simply like an error in rounding, or something harder to find like packet loss from too many connections running at once. We just dont know, and its up to the devs to find this error, while looking for every other reported bug and working on all the new features and fixing the problems with them too.

Im happy to keep reporting the bug as I find it, and the more data we have showing it happening and able to pin point it, like I can say with 100% certainty, I know exactly when it occurred for PG last GW for instance down to the battle that wasnt counted, the easier it might make it for the devs. Stopping GW until it is fixed would not help it at all. I think more GWs might make it easier to find though, but they cant run more GWs lol.


This I support. More battles equals more data. They could even reduce the rewards by 1/4.

Or, have 3 Guild Skirmishes that give no rewards and don’t affect brackets (no reason for non-GW enthusiasts to participate), but offers enthusiasts the chance to practice skull bashing, and then the one standard Guild War for all the marbles on week four.

Get that data flowing like the rivers of blood in the kingdom of Silverglade. My horde is ready to help in any way we can. Use us as Xbox beta testers, 505. As you wish.


Thank you Kafka for replying back to us about this bug.
It’s nice to hear that its a top priority to fix. :slight_smile:


Sooo from looking at the data I have (not actual player data mind you) compared to the in game Winners tab in the GW menu.

Na Rass and Knights of the Glade both have a missing score, same as Olimp for B1.

The rest all look normal this month.


hmmm… had a diffent score in schudule vs results (standings) on the first day … should have screenshotted it

Just to add to what @Smash was talking about regarding Olimp’s scoring mistake. I was able to track down the player and probable match where this occurred. @Kafka can I PM you all the relevant information as to not clutter up the thread here? Thanks.

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@Karatori please and thank you :slight_smile:

EDIT: please also ask the player if they had any error messages with a “retry” button pop up at all during their Guild Wars matches, if they were playing on mobile while on the move (ie their connection may have temporarily dropped for example).

EDIT EDIT: We still can’t find where these points are leaking out so we’re looking into the possibility of maybe something strange is happening to A battle where the results are somehow partially submitted to the game server so if any guild who gets this issue can find out if members had any weird errors when starting or, probably more relevant, submitting the battle results at the end, please let us know.

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