Infinite loops need to be fixed

I see you are still bullying people lol. You should take the advice. Maybe you need a break, clear your head. Its obvious that you are oblivious to why 95% of the player base either thinks you are a joke or outright dislikes you. You should take some time and reflect on your behavior and how you treat those around you. It would do you well to remember that behind every screen name there is a person. Good rule of thumb, don’t say to someone online what you wouldnt say to their face.


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I went up against 3 dwarven gates and once they got going, neither team had any chance of winning. I had to retreat. I chose the wrong team but also had some bad luck.

The three dwarven gates team is a tricky one for new players, as you might not have the tools yet to deal with it, but its not so much overpowered as it is gimmicky. I kind of miss that, actually, when rising up the ranks as a new player, i saw a lot of creative gimmick teams and often when i saw a new team, figuring out what its trick was an how to counter it was part of the fun.

Now, pvp is very samey. Once a new meta shows up, its basically 80% of what i see until a nerf hits.

For some advice with the dwarven gate team:
1: Use multi-hit spells
2: Cast Devour (dwarven walls are one of the few dwarves that does not have immunity to devour)
3: Mass burn can pop the shields once a round, leaving you one target for aingle target spells open.
4: Deny blue mana to the AI, either with an orb changer or by always matching blue (they can cast freely once they get started but they need the blue mana to rev up)
5: RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!! (No but actually the Kraken’s ability to damage on 4/5 matches pops the barriers and leaves the walls vulnerable without ending your turn, and it has devour if the last enemy is a wall, which it usually is.)


None of you. Including your random troll butt who spends half his time on the forums randomly talking crap about me… Would ever say any of this to my face.

That same “95%” believes you are an alternate forums account for someone who was banned or… Too much of a coward to talk crap on your main forums account. Either way… Your pathetic.

Have a great day keyboard warrior. Go swoop in to make more drama somewhere else. That’s obviously all you want to do here. :person_shrugging:


I was trying to help you. You want to be a bully then be my guest, I wont stop you. Just know that that is the reason that you are nearly universally disliked.


Thanks for the advice. At lv 1103, I’m not exactly a novice and this was the first time this happened due to a “perfect storm”.

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If by “help” you mean troll.
I do not bully… There isn’t a single person here that I put down that didn’t instigate it in the first place.
It’s unfortunate that your life is so sad that you feel compelled to try and make others feel bad on the internet.
I do think you’re a real person hidden behind an alternate forums account. And that makes me more sad than any garbage you try to throw at me.
I have real family and friends. So I don’t need the internet versions.
But for the sake of truth telling.
Only 94% don’t like me… Prior to this wonderful “chance” meeting today. My approval rating was on an uptick.
Alas, it seems I got pulled back into the muck.
Maybe I should be a coward and troll people on an alternate forums account. Use the platform of ambiguity to remind people how these are real folks while at the same time try to cyber bully the person you’re telling not to.

Nah… I’ll just continue to be disliked by folks because I’m literally the most honest person on the internet.
People don’t like honesty… They like just to hit a “like button” when someone says something disparaging about someone they don’t like.

I can’t tell which is sadder. Someone who checks the forums just to see where they can troll. Or someone who encourages trolls by liking what they say.
Damn, someone might think I’m talking about them and dislike me for it… How will I ever go on.

You’ve been fed troll. I’m done feeding you.
Have a better life than you have been… Please. :grinning:


I know the feeling. I understimated the team the first time I faced it and used a daily task team… Watched it loop for forever. Realized I got “got” and hit the retreat button.

Instantly… Like you’re just waiting for me to give meaning to your sad existence. (Now I’m truly done.)

Sorry about that, I can’t see your level on the forum; or if there is a way to see another user’s level on the forum I don’t know about it. xD So, sorry if that sounded at all condescending to get advice you already knew about.

So you never start fights? Not ever ever?

I said no mean or insulting things to you. I genuinely was trying to help you and you come back with insults. Textbook bully behavior.

Why is it that any time someone disagrees with you or confronts you, you immediately label them a troll or an alt? Are you so arrogant that you think people find you important enough to create alternate accounts just to troll you?

And yet you spend enough time every day on here trying like hell to make internet versions.

The part you fail to see is that you aren’t “pulled into the muck” darling, you are neck deep in it. Its there because you put it there. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can begin fixing the problem. And you will be much happier for it.

Who said you don’t already?

Am I wrong?

I suspect that you are very correct.

Hyperbole is the last line of defense of a juvenile darling.

Self loathing wrapped up in fascist doctrine? Impresssive.

i sincerely doubt that. You will get your guildmates to flag my post and cry to the devs that you are being picked on in an effort to get me banned. Lol you are too predictable.

Now you have an internal conflict! Do you prove me wrong by letting me get the last word? Or do you post a snazzy clap-back and prove me right? We will see darling! :kiss:


People calling AWR on his horrid forum behaviour? This I like to see. Keep it up folks!


I haven’t been back long, but I’ve already learned to just skip his replies when reading a thread.


The primary issue with Forum discourse, as with any other cyber model like Twitter etc. is it is woefully inept at providing an avenue for “real” communication. You cannot denote tone or inflection let alone non verbal cues such as expression or posture. Literary tools like sarcasm for example can be tricky to convey. All you get is the written word and some emojis to try to fill in the gaps. I have noticed that many posters are very passionate about the game and they often let that passion lead to taking a more toxic tone to other posters with whom they disagree. I have seen some individuals be incredibly helpful and self deprecating one day only to become combative and corrosive the next. It was posted above to remember that there is an individual behind every post. That is fantastic advice and very easy to forget. We just need to debate on the merits of whatever is being discussed and curtail the ad hominem nonsense. To me, calling someone’s idea or opinion ridiculous or stupid is the same as calling the individual ridiculous or stupid. To argue otherwise is splitting hairs. If you do not like someone’s idea, that is absolutely fine but no opinion is any more valid than another, no matter how passionately we believe otherwise.

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No need to be sorry, I’m sure someone will benefit from your sound advice.

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Yeah keep on violating the community guidelines by calling people out and derailing topics. Great advice! :grinning:

The world is a better place knowing now that you don’t care what I have to say. Congratulations on jumping in and help feed a troll who only uses the forums to harass me. You can see it for yourself in forums activity. But yeah… I’m the bad guy here. :+1:

It’s not the same though. I can have an issue with an opinion and not the person. People seem to be getting that confused here.
And the only reason I pointed out that I had an issue solely with the Request to change fundamental game play… Was because the OP thought I had it out for him. I overly explained that I had no issue with him… Just his request.

This thread is turning into an infinite loop of awryan posts!

Keeping it on topic I guess :laughing:


And people who engage/antagonize him. It takes two to tango.