:gem_skull: IMPERVIOUS BASTERDS.[27/30] Long time Relaxed Stress Free Guild. Help with tasks and guild events, thats it, Join the Basterds!

Hi, what level, and are you ok with our minimums

@Hoop - level 468 - easily can hit requirements. Was previously in a top 50 guild and got away from the game. Been back a few weeks now. Ready to be in a solid guild.

Invite code YURAEL

Want to have a really fun time in a great guild, come join us.

Bump. Come join us for a really great timešŸ‘

Hey, heyā€¦Top 25 guildā€¦Lots of Legendary Task completed every weekā€¦Hereā€™s your chance to reap some really good resources and have a great time. Come join us :cowboy_hat_face:

1 Like

Hi, iā€™m looking for a guild more active than my current one, iā€™m level 300+, i usually hit max seals in one or two days, i can do over 300 trophies and contribute a million gold at least
all my kingdoms are 10
my invite code is VV//HADES

Love this game and love this guild. Come on and join if you want to experience some real fun and listen to my crazy talk on discordā€‹:zipper_mouth_face: :cowboy_hat_face:

Still looking for another. Reply here!!!

Still looking. Message me, or reply hereā€¦

Still soliciting members. Come on and join!

Sent you a message with my details.

Invitation open for several who would like to join a really enjoyable guild. Come on and have some fun with us. :+1:

Hi there. I would be interested. I am level 677, 500k gold, 1500 seals and about 100 trophies. My invite code is LANCEPEPPLER_GBRP. Thanks

You need to leave current guild first

Still looking for a couple more. Please message me, or leave a reply hereā€¦

iā€™m level 1170 and my contributions are 1000000 gold,1500 seals and 300 trophies. let me know if interested iā€™m leaving my guild on sunday morning

Your in if you want

sure i can leave my guild right now my invite code is bigdog64

just left my guild

sorry invite code is BIGDOG64