300 trophies, 500k gold, active player level 900 something, trying to find a top 100 guild with active players.
Invitecode: GrindianaJones
300 trophies, 500k gold, active player level 900 something, trying to find a top 100 guild with active players.
Invitecode: GrindianaJones
Hi, we (Impervious basterds) are still recruiting. We are rank 20 and 3rd bracket in GW. Our reqs are 500k gold (monday) 300t/ 1500s
If your interested you are very welcome
I am, please send an invite!
let me know, I’ll leave now if you are ready
I’m ready. Invite’s on the way
Hi, are you still looking for a guild?
If you have found a guild please change heading to reflect that