How much did you have to throw out to try get Monolith to Mythic?

Seeing everyone else with plenty of Abynissia. Let tell you… it’s awesome when you match choices are all some combo of EK, MB, BD, Abynissia, Horseman, Crimson Bat etc. Even when it gives you someone 100 lvls lower… EK Mab, Justice, Valkyrie.

Skills for days

Where do skills apply in this game as you are so constant to point out?

The only skill in this game is hoarding resources. You can be a pro at that.

It’s sarcasm.

I could start using “Welfare Mythics” but that may be considered “uncouth” in these interesting times that we now live in.

Or skills at watching Tacet’s videos.

I don’t think that term (“welfare”) applies. Mythics have always been random rewards, not a thing earned via time or merit. This is true for almost all in-game rewards.


Well it’s more like you have 1,000 “bad guys” we’ll call them, in front of you. You can either use a pistol or a rocket launcher, which would you use? People use the troops provided to them. No one is at fault for using the rocket launcher that fell into their lap. It’s the devs job to give people pistols, or at least machine guns.

Guns are the first thing that popped into my head to use as an example. Stay in school kids.

1,000 “bad guys”= The many many matches in front of you to win. Just for translation purposes.

When people have to get many trophies for their guild and play many matches every week, they’re going to use the fastest strongest troop around. No this isn’t an argument against focusing on trophies, it’s about troop power still.

That’s exactly why they’re “welfare mythics” that person did nothing to earn it. Certainly hasn’t been around long enough to earn it. But right there it is at lvl 150… EK + Abynissia.

Yep…we fell right into the trap.

I’m getting out while I’ve only lost a shoe.

Or there could be a statement about how the game should be more than this sham pvp system where players don’t ever actually interact with other players.

As stated previously, this whole game fits that definition, and it always has. The odds of it changing due to a very vocal minority is unlikely in the extreme.

I have to wonder, if the game really grinds your gears as much as you claim, why you persist. There are other games with a reward structure more suited to your liking (though very few of those will be long-tail like this, more typically boxed packages you complete and discard).


So. I like the premise of the game and it gives me something to do at work when it’s slow or when I’m not in the mood to paint.

Are there facets of it that are fucking annoying? Yes. And I’m not the only person that sees that.

So yeah… I like the game just enough to kind of care about it. So, unfortunately, that means I’m going to let people know how the game could be better for everyone.

If I didn’t care, then I’d just put together BD+3 Courage and FTW. The money isn’t the issue, I just ordered a Forge World Titan (Warhammer 40K)

Hey, it’s your pixels. Be aware, however, that the game is growing (and quite quickly, at that), which is a sign that they’re doing things right, economy-wise. It’s unlikely that temper-tantrum missives will find much purchase with either the developers, or the (mostly) grown-up forum membership.


You mean the “grown ups” that have tried (and failed) to be intimidating on the internet or just resort to trying to shout down (and failing) opinions that make them anxious and upset?

As far as the Devs. I’ve made it clear that I don’t need to spend any more on this game til I see things that I feel are worth paying for.

Good for you. Be that change you wish to see in the world.



Ohh I’m going to regret this so…

-turns around to leave- No get a grip man.

The problem that you have with the game is called rng. Anyone can get anything at anytime. It is what it is, but that problem for you will never be fixed in this game.

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Well I would be interested if you know of any one of them recruiting.

@hnnng make yourself known to @esslee - GL of MatchMasters

I definitely will now since my current clan leader just informed me that he kicked me out for saying I was interested in joining a top clan… :disappointed:

Well that’s childish and very bad GL behaviour in my book. Don’t think we have space right now

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That’s harsh hnnng. Hope you find a better guild.

Back on topic though, it took me 450 event keys to get DM to mythic. No Aby but then I already have her. Didn’t count the IKs but I believe I got more IKs than DMs.