How do you feel about the new Elementalist class?

Its clearly broken power-wise. The question is: is this just more staggering incompetence or an intentful shake up of the meta? We don’t know… and neither do the devs.


Since getting Elementalist to 100 a week ago I haven’t used it once, not once. Hardly op.

I would be very surprised to see much of it on Def in wars since it can be targeted and entangled. It doesn’t have a way to get mana on extra turns like monk. It starts with zero mana. Is it a good class? Yes. Will I use it over everything else? No. I don’t use Monk every battle either. There are instances where it’s good and instances where it’s not good. If you use it no matter what then you are not going 30/0 in wars :joy::joy::joy:

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Curse, [Stun?], and freeze a random target on 4+ matches

That would help make Frostmage Freeze-King once again

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And archmagus is still my favourite. It still doesn’t change the fact that Elementalist with only up to the level 40 traits unlocked feels more powerful than nearly all other classes, including all of my 100 level ones outside of specific team builds. Once it gets to level 100 it’s just going to get worse so your argument really makes no sense.

:roll_eyes: So it it true you are not done with all your classes! It doesn’t makes sense if you are just choosing between Monk and Elementalist. If Archmagus is your favorite class then what you are saying is not true too. Finish all your classes first. You’ll discover more by yourself not just what other players say.

After that, join B1 guilds. A variety of classes becomes important.

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I have enough of the classes at 100 or over 70. I know what the classes are capable of well enough, you’re just being a snob.

Also, my favourite class isn’t the strongest and I can clearly see that by being objective. Your argument that because my favourite class isn’t elementist it therefore isn’t the strongest is just weird.

Your favorite class (Archmagus) is not listed here. And all the classes you mentioned are mostly used for offense. Try to use another builds that don’t use these classes. The one you mentioned are just one of those decent classes. Some classes are also good as defense.

At least it is not another Oracle. Elementalist will start to be annoying if it is used like Orbweaver in the past (as offense in PVP). Other than that, it is just one of the decent classes to use.

Ps. Sorry if I sound snob.

It won’t replace all other classes. Many other classes, especially the ones with half mana start, stealthy still have their own places in the game.
However, it does makes T3 pvp even more annoying than ever, not it’s something pleasant to start with, but it’s definitely getting worse.

You go first so use same class. I see it as actually easier not harder.


Speaking for myself, I like using different teams for pvp and testing new team ideas.
Being forced to use one class or include Mercy in the team all the time is the definition of “annoying” for me.

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I got elementalist to 100 and am now leveling warlord, one of my two remaining not at 100.

I can play pvp quite well without Mercy or elementalist so maybe you just haven’t gotten the right ideas yet?

Yes, certain teams do not work well against elementalist but it’s nothing new. You needed specific things to counter goblins, L&D + weaver teams, Zuul’goth, other infinite loop teams etc

Same goes for elementalist.

It’s just new, that’s all.


I never use mercy in PVP. There are plenty annoying things in PVP and this class helps make it less annoying if anything. You actually sound like one of those people putting up annoying DEF and it’s all of a sudden not getting as many wins as it used to because stunned makes things less annoying. Well that would be my guess anyway. Most people do not do pvp because of the annoying nonsense there. If this class gets more people to do PVP it’s a big fat giant win for the game. I can beat anything in the game but hate changing my team every 3 seconds. This class makes it so I do not have to keep changing. There are some Def other classes are better but what I do in those instances is do a 2 :trophy: battle. This is what I do in PVP because it does not matter if I get a loss. In Wars I use all classes at my disposal. I do not commit to any class and it’s possible I will use 3or 4 classes in a single day. Use one class no matter what then enjoy your occasional 3/2…

No, I’m not a newbie. I win T3 pvp with >90% win rate regularly and on the pvp leaderboard most of the time.
It’s just annoying, that’s all.

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I guess that’s the main difference between us. I hate NOT changing my team every 3 seconds. :wink:

Oh just saw your guess about my defense. Well I change my defense to match the week’s theme every week, I try to make it not too annoying like L&D, goblins, etc, but also not a pushover. I am a kind of person who will choose T2 if I saw firebomb / treasure teams in T3 because it’s too boring.


My pvp DEF I could not tell you what it is because it’s not that important. Probably a GW Def from another guild I set for a guild mate perhaps. Not important enough to worry about changing it back :joy::joy::joy:

I didn’t say you were a newbie, I meant the class was new so we might need to find new ways to counter it, just like we needed to find ways to counter other annoying things.

Someone can be a veteran and still miss certain things, or be set in their ways so it’s hard to break the routine.

Not saying that’s the case for you, just pondering.

You can still switch your team every time. Nothing has changed there. Just might have to use different teams than before.

Unless you never had go-to teams, then maybe it’s different. I don’t know, I don’t know your style of play. :wink:

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It’s fine as it is. Yes, it might be really, really good sometimes in PvP, but that is still only a certain part of this game, and class is still only 1/4 of a team composition. Let’s just enjoy getting a nice class.


First GW with Elementalist and just the regular set of bugs.
Doesn’t look like Elementalist had much of an impact.

(the big dip is the defence bug in action)


You would have though the world was gonna end and GW was gonna be completely changed with how many people have been talking about elementalist. Nice to see it in fact didn’t have as big an impact and those of us saying “maybe wait a bit to see how things shake out before crying for nerfs” were making fair points.