Guild Wars unfair? cast your votes for the devs to see!

Guild wars has caused major strife and personal meltdowns in a bunch of guilds. For the most part, it’s the community adapting to something new, but there’s also underlying problems. Some players are fiercely anti-GW. Fortunately, as they’ve proven, the devs take our feedback seriously.

I been thinking more about guild wars and here’s what I’d do if I were a dev:

  1. Allow all matches to happen on the first day. Real life happens. Forcing everyone to play on certain days might add some anticipation, but once a week is a great relief and makes it not feel like a constant source of stress. If you can do all fights at the beginning of the week, as well as the end, guild wars won’t feel like such a daily burden to those who don’t enjoy it.
  2. While this is a minor use case for most people, many top guilds have “sister guilds”. People transfer between multiple guilds in a larger organization. There needs to be safe windows to join/leave a guild. Even for normal guilds, why be held hostage because of guild wars. Battles should be limited more like seals. A person has max fights (30 fights like 1500 seals) and a guild has max fights (900 fights like 40K seals). The seals system is already familiar to players and works well.
  3. I probably shouldn’t point this out as my guild is about to enter bracket 1 in a few days, but the rewards are concentrated too much at the top. Why would anyone outside the top few brackets spend much on sentinels? There needs to be something done to make it worth it to the lower brackets. Instead of one giant reward, split the overall rewards into a overall component and a per bracket component. Other types of rewards like bracket winners getting XP on guild statues, or getting a legendary task would fit in here. I don’t have the numbers to know how rewards should be split out between overall and per bracket, but spreading around more rewards will help a lot more people be interested in guild wars, especially if they have more flexibility in how they play. We may be competitive players at the top, but in the end, Gems of War is a casual game.

None Of The Above


So many restrictions in a match 3 game that is supposed to be fun!

  1. Have the Devs choose the defense teams based on weekly buffs, this way everyone fights the same teams. My five matches today were 2 Maw/Mercy teams and 3 Death Curse teams. Not my idea of “fun” and let us remember this is a game, it is supposed to be fun.

  2. Let the battles be fought at any time, any day, so we can power through them on the day of the week we have time.

  3. Count only the top 25 scores from each guild, this allows some not to participate, some on vacation, some swapping guilds etc.

Right now Guild Wars is an annoying chore for me, with rewards that are insignificant, and so I blast through them when I feel like it using my speed Row team without worrying about colors or lost troops. Please restore fun to the game.

i like point 2 and 3. :slight_smile:
im worried about the traffic at tuesday, and how devs would solve daily battles/ daily win then but it would still be an ok trade off… i think… maybe some sort of compromise - givehalf the attacks at tusday and half at friday

i dont like the idea

that way guilds cannot defend themselves well,

iif it takes troops from collection: it would harm the low levels the most as they cannot defvelop the units that devs picked for defense (they probably wont even have some of them)

if it doesnt take troops from collection: it looses any sense of defending oneself, how do you imagine ppl buying sentinels if it wont even help their defense team?

Devs choose the defense teams, arguments for:

  1. Each week Guild Wars would have variety, as the teams you face will vary weekly instead of the same 10 grief defense teams over and over every week.
  2. Every player is facing the same exact teams (buffed according to player level to be fair), so apples for apples. Currently I can face 5 Death Curse teams and my guildie may luck out with 5 Elspeth defenses…
  3. No grief defense teams, no death curse etc. (Yep I am making this point twice sort of).
  4. As a guild, you can work together to come up with the best color team (since the teams you face are the same) to help out the newer players, currently our newer players are really struggling with the grief defenses.

So far each day I am seeing more and more grieft teams on defense…soon it will be every match.

OR Just had this idea…you are limited to choosing Event troops (two categories) for defense teams…so this week you have to use Naga or Mist of Scales troops only on defense. I need weekly variety!

please explain that part further

just by player level? thats very unfair
if im low level and i have near-mxed the troop used in this specific defense id be mad if its weak scaled to my level

also the color bonus got capped at 50% lv100 statues due to taking too much time to level them to lv200, so what do you think would be a fair “player level cap” to max the defense units scale?
dont you think that riddicules the whole collection&grind aspect of the game?

plus we wont be feeling like attacking players anymore, if its completely unrelated to their collection

i understand that you want to achieve variety and fun game but i think you are taking the wrong direction…

how about banning certain units for defense for each day?
(each day different units)

I mean that if you are a level 300 player with a 7800 point attack team, you will face a 7800 team in Match 1, 8200 in Match 2, 8600 in Match 3, 9000 in Match 4, and 9600 in Paragon match (plus guild sentinel buffs). I would face more buffed teams (1100+) than a newer player (300), but I would face the same teams. And they would vary weekly based on the events.

Sounds like we had similar ideas…perhaps Defense teams are limited to Event troops of the week to force variety?

and if i am lv1000 ill fight 9k teams all 5 fights? thats even less fair
the stronger players are suppose to have the upper hand, not a wing clip

if defense teams were locked when tusday rolls they cold give extra color bonus % for using certain “evented” troops on each day defense

then ppl would adjust their defense the way devs suggest hjust to score a tiny color bonus for their offense too

for examle week x:
on green day you will get +2% color bonus on offense if your green defense had any valkyrie in
and +3% if your green defense had any Behemoth in
for total of 5% if u used both, doesnt matter if they were doubled or just one each

what guild wouldnt like +5% to their up to 50%?

This was never going to be more than something else to funnel more pixels to the few that have everything